  • 期刊


The impact on archery performance after warm-up jogging with different heart rate standard


目的:探討不同心跳水準的慢跑熱身運動對隨後的射箭運動成績表現之影響。方法:以15名甲組射箭選手為研究對象(年齡19.53 ± 2.19歲、身高170.60 ± 7.96公分、體重73.20 ± 19.01公斤)。受試者依平衡次序方式,在射箭測驗之前先接受三種測驗,伸展體操組(SS組)、60%最大心跳率(heart rate maximal, HRM)控制之跑步熱身(LHR組)、80%HRM控制之跑步熱身(HHR組),熱身完畢後休息5分鐘後開始射箭測驗,射箭運動成績表現採30公尺單局測驗並於室內射箭場進行(1趟6箭,6趟共36箭,1趟的發射時間為4分鐘),每次測驗至少間隔24小時。受試者在實驗過程中全程配戴心跳監測儀器,紀錄熱身活動與射箭過程的心跳率變化。實驗數據採重複量數單因子變異數分析進行考驗,若達顯著再以LSD法進行事後比較,顯著水準α訂為.05。結果:接受不同的心跳水準慢跑熱身後,實際進行射箭測驗過程時的心跳率,HHR 組的全程心跳率顯著高於SS組與LHR組。射箭運動表現經統計分析後三組間(SS組328.60 ± 11.94分、LHR組326.00±11.39分、HHR組325.93 ± 16.05分)並無顯著差異。結論:以80%最大心跳率進行慢跑熱身運動,會顯著增加射箭過程的心跳率,但是對於稍後進行的射箭表現並沒有影響。


Purpose: Explore the impact on archery scores based on different heart rates by jogging as warm up exercise. Method: There are total 15 volunteered archers as participants. (Aged 19.53 ± 2.19, Height 170.60 ± 7.96 cm, Weight 73.20 ± 19.01). By means of counter-balance, subjects went through three kind of exercises before the archery test , including stretching exercise (Control group), Running testing of 60% controlled HRM (heart rate maximal), and Running testing of 80% controlled HRM. After the warm-up activities, the subjects took 5 minutes break and began the archery test in the indoor archery field (Single end with 30M distance. 1 end for 6 trips, 6 arrows per trip, total 36 arrows; 4 minutes for arrow-shooting), and there should be at least 24 hours between each test. All the subjects should wear Polar-RS800 heart rate monitor to monitor the heart rate change/differences during warm-up and archery activities. The test figures are compared with the differences between various archery performances under different warm-up activities based on one-way. ANOVA, repeated measures, the α value is 0.5. Results: There is no significant difference of archery performance among three groups after analyzed (SS group scored 328.60±11.94, LHR group scored 326.00±11.39, HHR group scored 325.93±16.05). Conclusion: After warming up by jogging with different heart rate, the heart rate during the whole progress of HHR group after the actual archery test is significantly higher than SS group and LHR group.


Warm-up Static stretching Heart rate control
