  • 期刊


Energy Saving and Indoor Thermal Comfortable Simulation for Roof Insulation Improvement


背景:我國長期以來一直是能源短缺的國家,根據103 年全國能源會議最新資料顯示,台灣目前每年仍有98% 的能源仰賴進口,若檢視我國各部門之能源消費結構,可發現住宅及服務業部門亦即早期所謂之住商部門合計約佔23%,可見建築物每年所消耗之能源,就約佔全國四分之一。這些建築物普遍存在耗能及不符生態環境等問題,若能從這些類建築著手進行節能改善,對於我國整體之能源消費節省及降低溫室氣體排放,將有莫大貢獻。目的:本研究將建立建築物屋頂隔熱改善後簡易之節能成效推估模式,並以電腦模擬方式,探討節能效率及室內環境熱舒適度之關聯性,及分析何種情況之改善成效較佳。方法:採用EnergyPlus 模擬方式,選定假想之建築物及屋頂隔熱型式(含屋頂綠化)作為本研究模擬對象,配合各種屋頂U 值及台灣不同地區之氣候參數等條件,分別模擬其空調耗電量及室內環境舒適度(PMV 及PPD 指標)。結果:以台北地區頂層為例,當屋頂層U 值由原有之2.5改善至符合法規之0.8時,空調節能率約4.65%、總節能率約2.0%,PPD 約降4.2%,於節能及室內熱環境舒適度均有明顯改善。若就地域性來看,其模擬之改善程度為台中> 高雄> 台北。結論/實務應用:提出屋頂隔熱改善之節能成效簡易推估模式,並於台北、台中、高雄等三個地區,分別就不同之屋頂隔熱條件(包括不同U 值或屋頂綠化等),分析其空調節能率及室內熱舒適度改善程度,可供改善前效益評估之參考。


Background: Taiwan has been energy shortage for long time, according to the National Energy Conference 2014 latest data show that 98 percent of energy per year are still dependent on import in Taiwan, on the view of energy consumption composition of various departments of the country, it can be found that in residential and commercial sector account for about 23% of the energy consumed on the building every year, it accounted for about a quarter of energy consumption, these buildings have high power consumption and do not match the ecological environment universally. If begin to improve the energy consumption for the whole buildings of Taiwan, it can save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there will be a great contribution. Purposes: It will establish the simple reckoning mode of energy saving efficiency on the building’s roof insulation improving, analyze the relevance between energy-efficiency and thermal comfort of the indoor environment, and analyze what improving method is better for improve effectiveness. Methods: It will use EnergyPlus to simulate the air conditioning power consumption and the thermal comfort of the indoor environment with the index of PMV and PPD, which according to different types of roof insulation which using different U values of roof (or use green roof), climatic parameters etc. Results: For example with on the top floor of buildins in Taipei, when the roof U-value improved from the original level of 2.5 to 0.8 with standards compliant, the air-conditioning energy-saving rate is about 4.65%, the total energy saving rate is about 2.0%, the PPD drop of about 4.2%, it has improving significantly on energy efficiency and indoor heat environmental comfort. If on the view of regional, the degree of improvement in simulation is Taichung> Kaohsiung> Taipei. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: It had propose the simple estimating energy savings mode for roof insulation improving of buildings. And further analysis the air conditioning power consumption and the thermal comfort of the indoor environment by using different U values of roof (or use green roof), climatic parameters etc in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung etc three regions respectively. It can be the reference on assessing the benefits before roof insulation improving of buildings.
