  • 期刊


An Investigation of Nursing Personnel's Knowledge of Palliative Care for Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease


台灣透析病患的盛行率近年皆高居全世界之首,對於末期病人護理人員應具備專業的知識與技能,才能給予適切的照護。目的:探討新北市某區域教學醫院護理人員對末期腎病安寧照護的認知情形。方法:橫斷性研究設計針對新北市某區域教學醫院從事臨床照護之護理人員進行資料蒐集,共計回收有效問卷149份,有效問卷率為93%;以描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定(t-test)及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)進行統計分析。結果:末期腎病安寧照護認知量表整體答對率為85.9%,表示護理人員對於末期腎病安寧照護認知有中上的程度。在急救處置及維生治療方面認知較顯不足;女性、護專、有照護末期腎病患者經驗、有照護生命末期經驗、最近在職教育中包括安寧緩和照護或末期照護的知識,對末期腎病安寧照護認知程度愈高。研究結果有助於提供相關醫療機構針對此相關議題課程,安排護理人員臨床安寧照護在職教育課程之參考。


In recent years, Taiwan has had the world's highest prevalence of dialysis patients. Nursing personnel who attend to patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) must possess the knowledge and skills sufficient to provide proper care. Objective: To investigate nursing personnel from a regional teaching hospital in New Taipei City with respect to the knowledge they possess on palliative care for patients with ESRD. Methods: This cross-sectional study collected data from nursing personnel who provided clinical care at a regional teaching hospital in New Taipei City. A total of 149 valid questionnaires were collected, and the valid questionnaire rate was 93%. Statistical analysis was performed by use of descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Results: The correct response rate on the ESRD palliative care knowledge scale was 85.9%, meaning that the nursing personnel had an upper-moderate level of ESRD palliative care knowledge; with respect to emergency treatment and life-sustaining care, the personnel possessed a rather insufficient level of knowledge. Higher levels of knowledge on palliative care for patients with end-stage renal disease were associated with respondents who were female, had a nursing specialization, had previous experience caring for ESRD, had previous experience in end-of-life care, or had recently received in-service education on topics including hospice/palliative care or end-stage care. The results of the study will be beneficial reference materials that can be provided to medical care agencies when they hold in-service education courses on clinical palliative care for their nursing personnel.


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