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The Effect of the CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule on CEO Compensation



The SEC required companies to disclose a pay ratio, which compares the compensation of a company's chief executive officer (CEO) to the compensation of the company's median employee in 2015. Using a sample of 487 firms, I find that firms with a higher CEO pay ratio before the rule adoption decrease the CEO's total compensation in the post adoption period. The decrease in the CEO's total compensation is attributable to the reduction in option awards. Moreover, I find that high pay ratio firms shorten the vesting schedule of the CEOs' incentive grants, set easier to achieve targets for CEOs' performance-vested awards, and increase the use of accounting-based performance provisions in the CEO's incentive compensation in the post adoption period. I do not observe similar changes to CEOs' compensation packages for low pay ratio firms. These findings are consistent with high pay ratio firms reducing the riskiness of the CEO pay to compensate for the reduced compensation after the rule adoption.




CEO薪酬 CEO薪酬比率 薪酬設計 績效既得


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