  • 期刊


A Case Study of a Kindergarten Teacher's Creative Dance Teaching




This study investigates planning, strategies and teaching processes used by a dance specialist kindergarten teacher when teaching creative dance. Data was collected from observation, interview and related documents, with triangulation used in the analysis to enhance the reliability of the findings. The kindergarten in question had two classes. The young children in each were divided into four to six groups, each group having the same curriculum theme, but working in a different learning area. Each child could select which group to join based on their interests. The data is analyzed and the findings discussed. For activity and lesson planning we consider how to: 1. Extend each curriculum theme into group teaching activities. 2. Adjust teaching strategies according to young children's ideas and activity outcomes. 3. Add movement elements progressively to challenge young children's exploration of their bodies and dance. For application of strategies in the classroom, we find that: 1. The use of scaffolding by teachers, including oral language, facilitates peer interaction and increase learning opportunities for young children. 2. Young children's freedom is enhanced gradually through the accumulation of teacher's and young children's experiences. 3. The use of multiple teaching aids, including visual, aural and haptic helps to expand young children's physical vocabulary. Recommendations are then made as to how the findings may be carried forward to practical teaching perspectives, in particular the use of creative dance in a thematic curriculum, and that teachers should be encouraged to engage in professional development through participation in creative dance workshops and courses. For research, we suggest that the research is expanded to incorporate teachers with a wide range of backgrounds so as to understand better differences in their teaching, and that young children's learning perspectives are incorporated to make the study more holistic.


林慧敏、劉美珠(2019)。健身新趨勢-身心康適(somatic wellness)概念與發展中華體育季刊33(2),61-72。https://doi.org/10.6223/qcpe.201906_33(2).0002
