  • 學位論文


Integrating Creative Dance into Language Teaching: A Teacher's Action Research in Kindergarten

指導教授 : 劉淑英


本研究以自身為會跳舞的澳門幼教教師,期待跳脫模仿式的舞蹈教學,來到臺灣研讀碩士,進行幼兒創造性舞蹈的策略研究。因應兩地皆進行課程的改革,同時也發現重視幼兒語文的發展,因此,本研究在臺灣新課綱的脈絡下,透過行動研究探討創造性舞蹈融入語文的教學策略,並瞭解教學困難找出其因應方式,藉此提升自身的舞蹈教學的專業成長。在臺灣竹北市快樂幼兒園進行三個月共二十二次的教學,本研究蒐集資料包括教學計畫、教學影片記錄、幼兒學習照片、幼兒繪畫及對話、省思札記,以及與諍友的反思性對話,以三角驗證的方式進行分析。 為了促進創造性舞蹈融入與增加幼兒語文的學習,實施後發現六項有效的教學策略:開放提問的動作語彙引導、多元感官的意象引導、由簡入繁的音樂引導、師生共舞的同儕引導、合作操作的素材引導,以及文本脈絡的架構引導。而本研究實踐教學策略所遇之困難與因應方式為:動作元素語彙明晰口語提問、直接感官改善口語意象困惑、專屬音樂特色對應角色特質、團體氛圍交流增加個人自信、素材延展共有空間建造意境,以及故事改編開拓幼兒獨特表現,當幼兒有更多的進步時,未來即可建立舞句並創作為舞蹈小品。 我將回到澳門持續進行雙向助益於創造性舞蹈融入語文教學的行動研究,尤其是運用我的母語來發展,期待鼓舞對學前教育與研究的幼教教師,並提出正向的建議。 關鍵字:幼兒園、創造性舞蹈、教學策略、語文教學、行動研究


The new curricula in both Macao and Taiwan emphasizes young children’s language development. Based on the new Taiwanese curriculum, this action research project investigates how creative dance may be integrated into language teaching, in doing so considering the most effective teaching strategies, understanding the difficulties and discovering solutions. Through the research, I also seek to promote my own professional development in dance teaching My background is in early-childhood education in Macao. Wishing to move away from the demonstrate and imitate model of dance teaching, I travelled to Taiwan to study and research early-childhood creative dance strategies there. At Happy Kindergarten in Zhubei, I engaged with 22 lessons over three months. Research data was collected in the form of lesson plans, film and photographs of classes and learning outcomes, young children’s drawings, dialogue with them, and my own reflective diary and reflective dialogue with critical friends. Triangulation was used in the analysis. The findings show that creative dance can be used to promote young children’s language learning. Six teaching strategies were found to be particularly effective: guiding the students using dance vocabulary and language open to some self-interpretation rather than closed instruction; encouraging children’s multiple sensory awareness; using music from simple to complex as a guide; employing peer interaction as well as teacher to student as guidance; using objects as teaching material, especially items that can be handled; and using pictures, text and storyline to establish a firm structure for the children. Within that, I discovered that teachers need to use clear and precise movement vocabulary and that sensory experience is often more effective than descriptive talking. Using imagery and encouraging the young children to create their own is most effective. When using music with stories, it is helpful if each character or role has their own musical motif or phrase, while use of material can encourage appreciate the general space and environment. I found that interaction within the group can encourage personal confidence, while allowing the children to change the storyline can extend their individuality and creativity, and lead to a particularly unique performance. As the children progress, dance phrases can be built up to the point where a short dance work is created. I will return to Macao, where I will seek a still deeper understanding of how language teaching and creative dance may be integrated to the benefit of both, and where I will repeat and develop further my ideas using my mother tongue. I hope this research and the findings will encourage other early-childhood teachers with an interest in these areas, and make positive suggestions for them. Keywords: kindergarten, creative dance, language teaching, teaching strategy, action research


