  • 期刊


The Involvement Dimensionality of Readers of Illustrated Literature: Jimmy's "Love in the Cards" Taken as an Example


被文化評論家稱為「圖像詩人」的幾米,其圖與其文,交織出詩意的晶瑩意境,其極為細緻地傳達身處人車嘈雜之地,卻又不知寂冷從何而來的現代都會居民之心聲。羅蘭‧巴特(Roland Barths)向文學理論家宣告「作者已死」,揭示新解讀文本(text)立場之發生,由研究「作者」傳記,轉向「文本」詮解,人言言殊,形成「一千個讀者,有一千個哈姆雷特」的文學批評方式。文學文本藉由讀者參與,或與作者契合,或溢出文本想像,適可的誤讀,卻也增添文本解讀的趣味性,更貼近於審美「無功利性」。本文試擬以讀者參與向度,綰合「讀者反應」審美原則,參以視覺傳達設計原理,就幾米文學繪本《我只能為你畫一張小卡片》為範疇,探討讀者市場反應,造就流行文本存在之可能性。本研究針對分析的結果提出多項建議,提供相關單位及後續相關研究者做參考。


Dubbed by cultural critics as the "poet using illustrations", Jimmy blends a poetic atmosphere into his illustrations and writings, subtly representing the inner voices of modern, urban people, with the kind of coldness and solitude that seem to arise from nowhere, despite the surrounding hustle and bustle. Roland Barthes, in his "The Death of the Author", declared to literary critics that the meaning of the text no longer depended on research into the author's biography, but from the interpretation of the text itself, heralding an approach to literary criticism where the interpretation varies from person to person and "there are a thousand hamlets in a thousand people's eyes." Reader involvement, seeing eye-to-eye with the author, letting the imagination go beyond the text, or even misreading to some extent, can all add enjoyment to the reading experience and achieve a Kantian "non-utility" in aesthetic activities. This research used "Love in the Cards" as the subject to explore readers' reactions and to explore the possibility of creating a popular text by employing reader involvement dimensionality, the aesthetic principle of readers' reactions and visual communication design principles. Based on the analysis results, suggestions are proposed as reference for sectors concerned or future research.
