  • 會議論文


The Score Analysis of Chinese Taipei National Teams Trials on 6th Wtf World Taekwomdo Poomsae Championships-for Instance Top 8 of Mes's Final (Age 14-18)


本研究目的:針對第六屆世界盃跆拳道品勢錦標賽中華隊選拔賽指定品勢1與2獲得積分總分成績之量化分析。對象:以男子個人14-18歲組決賽前八名為例。方法:親至選拔賽會場進行錄影紀錄後分析加以量化,包括統計分析前八名運動員組間成績差異,品勢1與2的技術、表現及整體部份;以描述性統計、成對樣本t檢定、單因子變異數進行分析。結果:一、利用單因子變異數分析前八名運動員組間成績差異,品勢1的技術部份達顯著差異(F=4.245,p < 0.05);而品勢2技術、品勢1與2表現部份則沒有顯著差異(F=2.786;F=1.629;F=2.286,p > 0.05)。二、以成對樣本t檢定分析前八名運動員個人組內第二指定品勢1 與2 成績差異,在技術及表現方面未達顯著差異(t=1.091; t=-0.798,P > .05)。三、在組內整體品勢1與2的差異分析顯示差異非常顯著(t=10.521;t=6.525,P < .05)。本研究結果不但可以了解目前國內品勢選拔賽中成績差異情形,而且可以提供業界在訓練上的參考,以提升我國跆拳道競技品勢的水準。


Purpose of this study: for the 6th WTF World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships product potential product potential Chinese Taipei national team trials 1 and 2 specify the points score results of the quantitative analysis. Object: for instance top 8 of men’s final (age 14-18). Methods: The venue for trials pro to analyze video records to quantify, including statistical analysis of the top 8 players score differences between the groups, items 1 and 2 the potential of technology, performance and overall majority; to descriptive statistics, paired sample t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis. Results: A one-way ANOVA analysis using the top 8 players score differences between the groups, the technical part of the product potential of a significant difference (F=4.245, p < 0.05); and product potential 2 technology, product potential 1 and 2 no significant difference in the performance of some(F=2.786;F=1.629;F=2.286,p > 0.05). Second, the paired sample t-test analysis of the top 8 athletes to the second group of individuals 1 and 2 specify the product potential differences in the performance, technology and performance below the significant difference (t=1.091; t=-0.798, P > .05 ). Third, the overall product potential in the group 1 and 2 of the variance analysis shows a very significant difference (t=10.521; t=6.525, P < .05). Results of this study can not only understand the current situation of domestic product differences in the performance trials in the case, but also provide a reference in the training trade to improve our standard of Taekwondo poomsae potential competitive products.
