  • 會議論文


Effect of 4-Week Interval Training of Different Lengths on Special Fitness of Junior High School Rugby Players


橄欖球是透過激烈肢體碰撞與快速奔跑,並反覆進行間歇性的高強度運動能力,是橄欖球運動的特性,選手需要更多全能性體能的要素來達到最好表現。本研究之目的在探討四週不等距離間歇訓練,對國中橄欖球選手專項體能的效果。本研究以16名國中橄欖球選手為受試對象,平均年齡14.47 ± 0.47歲,平均身高169.06 ± 5.66公分,平均體重70.19 ± 17.27公斤,依實驗設計分為前鋒組(8名)與後衛組(8名)。在訓練前後測驗項目有:100公尺衝刺跑、12分鐘跑走、1分鐘仰臥起坐、1分鐘伏地挺身、10秒鐘屈身轉體、單槓。兩組除專長技術訓練外,另接受每週二次星期二與星期四每次大約1小時的不等距離間歇訓練。經過四週的訓練後,所得測驗結果資料,經過統計分析得到下列結論。結果顯示:因此由研究結果可知在訓練時加入不等距離間歇訓練,可以增進專項體能與技術的表現,亦可提升選手體能的訓練方法之一,由於訓練的強度、時間會造成選手體能高低變化,所以在集訓期間應當特別注意身體的健康,以避免發生研究結果問題。


間歇訓練 專項體能


Rugby is characterized by intense physical collision, fast running, and repeated practice of intermittent high intensity exercise. Players have to possess more comprehensive fitness to achieve the best performance. This study aimed to investigate the effect of 4-week interval training of different lengths on special fitness of junior high school rugby players. We recruited 16 junior high school rugby players as the subjects whose average age was 14.47 ± 0.47 years old, average height was 169.06 ± 5.66 cm, and average body weight was 70.19 ± 17.27 kg. Eight subjects were grouped into the forward group, and eight subjects were grouped into the linebacker group according to the experimental design. The pre/post training tests included 100- meter sprint, 12-minute walk-run, 1-minute sit-ups, 1-minute push-ups, 10-second twist, and horizontal bar practice. In addition to the training of professional skills, the two groups also received the additional interval trainings of different lengths (one hour for twice per week, on Tuesday and Thursday). After the 4-week training, statistical analyses were conducted on the collected data. This findings suggest that the addition of interval training of different lengths during training could enhance the performance of special fitness and skill and was one of the training methods for improving players' fitness. Because players' fitness varied with the intensity and length of training, particular importance should be attached to physical health during group training to avoid the difference in training outcome.


Interval training Specific fitness


