  • 會議論文


Effects of Web-Based and Classroom-Based STEM Learning Environment in Developing Junior High Students’ Collaborative Problem Solving Skill


合作問題解決能力是未來21 世紀所需的重要關鍵能力,本研究主要利用虛擬的網路化STEM 合作問題解決系統與實體課室的STEM 合作實作活動以培養國中生的合作問題解決能力,並運用準實驗設計之不等組前測後測設計,以241 位國中生為研究對象,探討虛實STEM場域對培養國中生合作問題解決能力的效益。本研究的教學實驗結果顯示,網路化STEM 合作問題解決系統若能輔以教師的教學引導,對於培養國中合作問題解決能力方面之效益,會優於僅應用此一系統進行自我練習,或僅透過動手實作活動以培養合作問題解決能力的組別。依據本研究的研究結果,建議未來若欲培養國中生的合作問題解決能力,應可考慮運用本研究所發展的網路合作問題解決系統,並透過教師教學暨自我練習的方法,應能有助於培養國中生的合作問題解決能力。


The collaborative problem solving skills is one of the key competencies for the twenty-first century. This study tried to use web-based STEM collaborative problem solving system and classroom-based STEM collaborative hands-on learning activity in developing junior high school students’ collaborative problem solving skills. The quasi-experimental design, nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design, was employed in this study for exploring the effects of the web-based STEM collaborative problem solving system and classroom-based STEM collaborative hands-on learning activity in developing junior high school students’ collaborative problem solving skills. Two hundred and forty one junior high school students are invited in this study. According to the results of this study, the web-based STEM collaborative problem solving system with teachers’ teaching has the best effects in developing students’ collaborative problem solving than web-based STEM collaborative problem solving system without teachers’ teaching or classroom- based STEM collaborative hands-on learning activity. To sum up, this study suggested that the web-based STEM collaborative problem solving system with teachers’ teaching can be used in developing junior high school students’ collaborative problem solving skill.


