  • 期刊


Chest Pain due to Breast Cancer Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine


癌症已經蟬聯數十年為我國國民死亡原因第一位,而乳癌在近十年來一直高居女性癌症發生率第1位,發生的高峰期則約在45-69歲之間,約每十萬名婦女188-194人。依據衛生福利部死因統計及國民健康署癌症登記資料顯示,女性乳癌標準化發生率及死亡率分別為69.1及12.0(每十萬人口),每年有逾萬位婦女罹患乳癌,逾2,000名婦女死於乳癌。現代醫學對於乳癌的治療以手術及化療為治療主流,然無論是在罹癌抑或對乳癌的治療期間,胸悶胸痛是經常困擾患者的不適症狀,除了使用止痛藥物之外,目前亦沒有絕佳的辦法得以解決,本研究即針對乳癌的住院患者竟進行中藥的治療以及問卷的訪查,透過搜集並且觀察二十名未曾接受過乳癌中醫治療的新收患者,分別以臨床上經常使用的VAS score和FACT-G量表,進行中醫介入前後在胸悶胸痛以及生活品質的評估。由研究的結果發現,透過中醫介入治療,一週後觀察患者情況,無論是在VAS score和FACT-G量表上的分數都有所改善,且達到統計上的顯著差異(P<0.05),顯示在常規治療之外,中醫確實能對乳癌患者在胸悶胸痛以及生活品質上有所助益。


乳癌 胸悶胸痛 中醫 VAS score FACT-G


Cancer has been reelected for decades as the first reason that cause of death in our country. Breast cancer also has been the number one of female cancer incidence for these ten years, with peaks at about 45-69 year-old, and about 188-194 per 100,000 women. According to the cause-and-death statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and cancer registration data of the National Health Department, the standardized incidence of breast cancer in women and death rates were 69.1 and 12.0 (per 100,000 population) respectively. More than 10,000 women suffered from breast cancer each year and more than 2,000 women died because of Breast cancer. As the mainstream guideline, modern medicine treatment of breast cancer are surgery and chemotherapy. However, whether cancer or due to treatment of breast cancer, chest tightness (or chest pain) as a common symptom often makes patients suffer. Nonetheless, there is still no an excellent way to solve this problem. In this study, Patients with breast cancer were recruited from inpatient department. By collecting and observing the clinical status of 20 newly recruited patients who have never received any traditional Chinese medicine for breast cancer. We used VAS score and FACT-G score to evaluate patients' performance. The data were collected before and after the one week intervention of Chinese medicine. From the results of the study, we found that patients all improved both the scores on the VAS score and the FACTG scale with statistically significant differences (P <0.05) .In addition to conventional treatment, Chinese medicine can indeed help patients with chest pain and chest pain.


Breast cancer Chest pain Chinese medicine VAS score FACT-G
