  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of Taiwanese Vocational High School Students' Imaginative Susceptibility


心像引導(guided imagery)或催眠(hypnosis)技巧已廣泛運用在諮商領域以幫助個案放鬆或增進身心靈的健康。心像感受具有個別差異,然而,台灣目前為止對心像感受性之研究仍相當缺乏;因此,本研究主要目的在於以曾迎新(2010)設計之「心像感受量表」探討台灣高職學生之心像感受性,並且初步探究「性別」、「科別」、「血型」和「宗教信仰」四個不同背景的高職學生,其心像感受是否存在差異性。本研究共回收949份有效問卷,並以描述性統計、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析進行統計分析,主要得出下列發現:一、高職階段學生整體心像感受性偏低。二、在個人背景變項中,心像感受因「科別」與「虔誠宗教信仰」而有顯著差異,以商業經營科與國際貿易科之受試者有較高的心像感受表現,且具有虔誠宗教信仰之受試者其心像感受較高。三、「性別」與「科別」在心像感受性上具有交互作用,國際貿易科與電子商務科的女生之心像感受性較男生高,僅有應用外語科的男生之心像感受性顯著高於女生。四、進入深度催眠狀態的受試者其心像感受表現較佳。


Hypnosis or Guided imagery is widely used in counseling to help clients to promote mental and physical condition. There are individual differences in imaginative susceptibility, but the research about this topic has been scarce in Taiwan up to now. Thus, this study aimed to explore Taiwanese vocational high school students' imaginative susceptibility by using the "Imaginative Susceptibility Inventory" designed by Tseng (2010). In addition, this is a preliminary study investigating the influences of individual variables on susceptibility, including gender, major, blood type, and religion. Last, we looked into the relation between hypnotic states and their performances on the inventory. There were 949 valid samples in this study, and the data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, T-test, One-Way ANOVA, and Two-Way ANOVA. The major findings were as follows: 1. The average imaginative susceptibility of Taiwanese vocational high school students was low. 2. Among the background variables, susceptibility score differed significantly with regard to major and religion. Those majoring in business affairs and international trade had better imaginative susceptibility than those in the applied foreign language and advertisement department. Participants with religious beliefs also scored significantly higher than those without beliefs. 3. There was interaction between gender and major on imaginative susceptibility. For participants in the department of international trade and data processing, female participants had better susceptibility than male. However, susceptibility of the male students majoring in the applied English was significantly higher. 4. Those in the deep state of hypnosis got significantly higher score on the inventory. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher provided suggestions on the application of guided imagery skills to school counseling and on the future studies.
