  • 期刊


The Sequence of Recreation Spatial Opportunities between Leisure Farm and Tourism Resources


近年來台灣休閒農場蓬勃發展,其中宜蘭縣是目前休閒農場密集度最高之縣市,休閒農場之發展已成為該縣重要之觀光產業之一。為了解休閒農場與觀光資源間彼此間是否因空間距離而有遊憩機會之差異,因此本研究嘗試研析其空間距離遊憩機會,並以非計量多元尺度法(Multidimensional Scaling)、集群分析法(Cluster Analysis),進行探討其空間距離型態分佈。資料係以宜蘭縣市內各類型休閒農場及觀光資源之自然資源、人文資源進行調查與資料搜集分析。研究結果顯示:(1)由三種測量工具將休閒農場與各類觀光資源的空間距離計算出來,依照其距離之遠近,代表農場間的遊憩機會大及小,近代表機會大,遠代表機會小,因此得到之機會序列小到大排序為宜蘭市、礁溪鄉、壯圍鄉、員山鄉、五結鄉、羅東鄉、三星鄉、大同鄉、冬山鄉、頭城鎮、蘇澳鄉、南澳鄉。(2)經由集群分析法將宜蘭縣各鄉鎮,依照各類休閒農場之分佈,定義出資源離散型、資源中間型及資源聚集型等三個集群;資源離散型為蘇澳鄉,資源中間型為頭城鎮,資源聚集型為宜蘭市、礁溪鄉、壯圍鄉、員山鄉、三星鄉、大同鄉、五結鄉、冬山鄉。(3)各樣點二維空間MDS知覺圖顯示,可以將宜蘭縣的資源分佈分離出三群。以上的結果有助於規劃人員掌握宜蘭縣之休閒農場及觀光資源彼此的關聯性。


The leisure farm industry in Taiwan has experienced burgeoning development in recent years. Yilan County, in particular, is now the administrative area with the highest density of leisure farms. The 37 registered farms in the county have made significant economic contributions to the tourism industry. With the coaching efforts of the Yilan County Government, the township offices, and the regional farmers' and fishermen's associations, the leisure farm industry has become one of the most important tourism industries of the county. The purpose of this research is to understand the difference in recreational opportunities in terms of the distance between the leisure farms and the tourism resources. An analysis has been conducted, therefore, to identify the recreational opportunities of different leisure farms based on their distance with the tourism resources. Using the Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling and Cluster Analysis methodologies, the Research also tried to further probe the distribution type of these leisure farms with respect to their distance. Survey and information collection were made on different types of leisure farms in the Yilan County, as well as the relevant tourism resources including natural and cultural resources. The research results are: (1) The distance between the leisure farms and the tourism resources have been worked out using three measuring instruments. They were sorted based on the value of the distance, which reflected the size of the recreational opportunities. Shorter distance implies higher opportunity, and longer distance means lower opportunity. The opportunity spectrum acquired is as follows (from the lowest to the highest): Yilan City, Jiaoxi Township, Zhuangwei Township, Yuanshan Township, Wujie Township, Luodong Township, Sanxing Township, Datong Township, Dongshan Township, Toucheng Township, Su'ao Township and Nan'ao Township. (2) Through the cluster analysis method, the townships in Yilan County were further classified into three pre-defined groups according to the distribution of the leisure farms, i.e., discrete resource allocation, balanced resource allocation and cluster resource allocation. Su'ao Township is classified as being of the "Discrete Resource Allocation" type and Toucheng Township is of the "Balanced Resource Allocation" type. The "Cluster Resource Allocation" type, on the other hand, includes Yilan City, Jiaoxi township, Zhuangwei Township, Yuanshan Township, Sanxing Township, Datong Township, Wujie Township and Dongshan Township. (3) The sample points were displayed on the 2D perceptual maps using the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) method. The resource allocation within Yilan County was clearly displayed through the concept of "Reference Points." The results are helpful for the planning personnel to grasp the correlation between the leisure farms and the tourism resources in Yilan County.


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