  • 期刊


Public Place Visiting Path Design and Analysis Using Space Syntax - an Example with Taipei City Zoo




In recent years, the promotion of tourism has increased the numbers of tourist visits in each scenery especially the foreign backpackers. The increment of tourist visits will rise the service requirements of each scenery that will also increase the loading of the facilities and the staff. In all the service requirements, the self-guided path is one of the important requirements for foreign backpackers. With the well design self-guided path, foreign backpackers can visit the scene effectively and completely in an appropriate time. However, most of the self-guided path design are focused on the indoor exhibitions, only a few literatures investigate the outdoor self-guided path design. The design of indoor self-guided path can easily achieve a consistent path by following the exhibition order. The design of outdoor self-guided path, on the other hand, can only be evaluated based on the space connections and an exact visiting path will be hard to obtain. Therefore, this research applies space syntax to evaluate the space relation which is then adapted in determining the visiting path design of outdoor self-guided path. Furthermore, this research use Taipei City Zoo to prove the usefulness and the applicability of executing space syntax in the outdoor self-guided path design. The results show that using space syntax can achieve better self-guided path for outdoor scenic area and tourists can visit more scenic points within a certain time to obtain better tourism benefit.


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