  • 期刊


The Exploratory Research on Multiple Training Strategy on the Enhancement of Communication Effectiveness among Psychiatric Nursing Students in Clinical Practice


本研究目的在探索精神科護理實習生以多元教學策略對溝通之成效。本研究採單組、前後測設計,立意取樣,自2016年2月至2016年7月共計收案88位南部某科大五專四年級精神科實習護生,實習中介入多元教學策略,包含講授法、角色扮演、書面作業討論等,並藉由自陳式問卷進行資料收集,問卷包括:基本溝通能力檢核表、溝通能力量表、溝通自信及多元教學法之評價。所得資料以SPSS 20.0統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。結果顯示介入後,護理實習生在溝通能力量表、基本溝通檢核表及溝通自信(1-10分量表)得分上皆有提升且達顯著差異。而在三種教學法評價上,學生表示對溝通成效之影響依序為角色扮演、書面討論及講授法。此結果呈現精神科實習為護理系學生溝通學習之重要歷程,過程中運用量化工具可協助學生檢視自我溝通能力及缺失,於教學歷程中運用多元教學策略有助於提升其溝通技巧及自信。


This study was aimed to explore the Communication Effectiveness for the psychiatric nursing students in clinical practice with Multiple Training Strategy. A single group with pre-test and post-test research design with purposive sampling. The investigation was conducted from February 2016 to July 2016 total 88 fourth grade college students in clinical practicum for Psychiatric Nursing in Southern Taiwan. Participants received Multiple Training strategies. These strategies include: Didactic teaching、Role-play and Discussion of Communication Record. Data were collected by using self-reported questionnaires, including Kalamazoo Essential Element Communication Checklist, Communication ability, Self-confidence in communication and evaluation and feedback on teaching. The data was analyzed by SPSS 20.0 statistical software package. A t-test showed significant increases in Communication ability scale, Kalamazoo Essential Elements Communication Checklist (KEECC) and self-confidence in communication(1-10 point scales) after a Multiple Training Strategy. The methods that influenced the Communication Effectiveness in students are in the order of Role-play, Discussion of Communication Record and Didactic teaching. This study show Psychiatrics internship is an important course for nursing students to develop communication skills. Using the quantitative tools can help students to examine their own communication ability and deficiency. Using Multiple Training Strategy process can enhance their communication skills and self-confidence.
