  • 期刊

新舊時代的過渡:杜威(John Dewey)與蔣夢麟的個人主義和個體性觀點

The transformation from old era to new era: The individualism and individuality of John Dewey and Jiang Meng-Lin




杜威 蔣夢麟 個人主義 個體性


This article is to inquire how Jiang Meng-Lin introduced 'individualism' and 'individuality' that are different from the traditional Chinese family idea to Chinese people, through the individualism of John Dewey and Jiang Meng-Lin, and how to transplant, translate and graft those ideas, in advance to be accept them in Chinese society. For Chinese intellectuals who had been educated abroad, how they convey Western knowledge and thoughts to Chinese people with simplicity and efficiency was the key to improve national development. Here, we can inquire Jiang Meng-Lin who had been studied in USA and how he transformed western knowledge and thoughts in his articles to help Chinese people to understand and absorb western knowledge and thoughts.
