  • 期刊


On Liberal Democracy's Backsliding: Its Signs, Causes and Responses


自由民主的發展近年來似乎有衰退的現象,從中東歐新興民主國家的民粹主義興起、先進民主國家,如美國前總統Donald Trump對憲政的蔑視、政府長期治理不善引起民怨,加上全球化席捲,更使若干國家變成竊國統治(kleptocracy),貪腐嚴重,自由民主似有瀕臨崩毀。因此,本文擬對自由民主在面對衰退時,會遭遇何種徵象或信號、衰退的原因、挑戰、與全球化關聯性、如何確信民主機制功能及對手的致命點等方面進行探討分析。分析結果發現,自由民主在二戰後面臨危機,社會階級差距擴大、政府失能、政黨政治的派系利益凌駕公眾權利、全球化下經濟更加不平等,造成人民轉而支持有威權民粹主義傾向的領導者,導致自由民主衰退。然自由民主的機制卻也使對手威權民粹主義的致命點暴露無遺,激起人民反撲對抗,回歸到自由民主道路,顯現自由民主仍具有吸引力,惟其並不是筆直的道路,民主國家必須好好維護自由民主制度。


The development of liberal democracy has declined in recent years. It can be found the regime of authoritarian populism in East-Central Europe(ECE); we also saw the former President of United States Donald Trump who defied constitutional institution in public. In addition, poor performances in government provoke people against it. Globalization makes government becoming kleptocracy. It pushes corruption seriously and it is in peril of our democracy. Hence, this article tries to analyze the phenomena of liberal democracy's backsliding, including what kind of its signs which it faces to, its causes and sorts of challenges. It also delves into the relationship between globalization and kleptocracy, the conviction of function of democratic institution, the Achilles' Heels of its rivals. Finally it concludes that after World War II, liberal democracy falls into crisis, the gap of the social hierarchy is becoming wider and wider, the government work in dysfunction, partisan interest affect populace rights and gains. Economic Inequalities under globalization are more seriously than that before. In the end, people turn to support the authoritarian populist, then our liberal democracy gradually are eroded and reversal. Nevertheless, institution in democracy disclose the shortcomings to authoritarian regime. People eventually will insist its survival and recover to liberal democracy. It is still appealing for liberal democracy, too. Its road is not always straight, we should steer it prudently.
