  • 期刊

中國人膳食、血液與小便中維生素A、葫蘿菔素、噻胺、核黃素及抗壞血酸含量之研究 (一)膳食狀況及血漿中維生素A與葫蘿菔素含量之研究

Studies on the Intake, Blood Level and Urinary Excretion of Vitamin A, Carotene, Thiamine, Riboflavin and Ascorbic Acid in Chinese Men. I. Dietary Survey and Plasma Levels of Vitamin A and Carotene


作者等以化學方法,分析360位外表健康,18-30歲成年男子之膳食成份,及其血液與小便中維生素A、葫蘿菔素、噻胺、核黃素與抗壞血酸之含量。本文僅報告膳食概況,並就血漿中維生素A與葫蘿菔素之含量加以測定與檢討。未經改善之膳食中,核黃素之供應量,頗感不足。蛋白質之數量雖甚充沛,但素質欠佳。經有限度之改善後,膳食較為均衡,惟維生素A之來源,仍間接來自葫蘿菔素,而無直接供應。膳食未經改善時,該360位試驗對象之血漿中維生素A之含量為25.5 ± 10.8μg/100ml.至26.5±9.4μg/100ml.血漿中葫蘿菔素之含量為28.5±10.4μg/100ml.至31.2±10.8μg/100ml.,與文獻中所列健康人較低之正常含量相比較,可能缺乏維生素A之人數,佔全人數27.3%。經三個月時間,由膳食中大量供應葫蘿菔素後,可能缺乏維生素A之人數至少仍占全人數之6.2%。可見過分寄託於葫蘿菔素之供應,而不直接供應維生素A,實非有效改善之道。




1. Three hundred sixty outwardly healthy males varying from 18-30 years old were divided into two dietary groups, control and experimental. Their food intakes were recorded daily for four months. Chemical analysis, once monthly, were made on 5-7, cooked food samples, after mixing and blending of various food items, collected on suitable successive days for five to seven days. Blood and urine specimens from each experimental subject were collected on the day previous to and the day after the experimental period and analyzed chemically for specific vitamins or corresponding metabolites. 2. In both dietary groups, the intakes were found to be adequate in caloric values, and in ascorbic acid and vitamin A, mainly from carotene. For the control group, the daily intake of thiamine per person was 1.43 mg and that of riboflavin was only 0.86 mg, a figure which was relatively insufficient. The fat intake for the same group was comparatively higher than the experimental, while that of protein though adequate in quantity yet inferior in quality. The daily supplies of thiamine and riboflavin for the experimental group were very sufficient in amount. 3. The pre-experimental plasma level of vitamin A for experimental and control groups were 25.5±10.8ug/100ml and 26.5±9.4ug/100ml respectively; while that of the post-experimental values were 32.2±8.0ug/100ml and 27.4±9.9ug/100ml. Judging from plasma level of vitamin A, the degree of deficiency in the pre-experimental period varied from 21.8% of the total individuals of the control group to 32.9% of the experimental. The corresponding figures for post-experimental periods were 19.9% and 6.2% respectively. All these values indicated clearly that the improvement in the experimental group was resulted from increasing the daily intake of carotene from 3.77 mg to 5.48 mg. 4. With the limited extent of absorption and utilization of carotene whether or not it is efficient by only increasing the supply of carotin from bulky quantity of sweet potato (200 gm/day) and vegetables (450 gm/day) in two meals daily, without a minimun amount of vitamin A as supplement as a means of improving the situation of vitamin A deficiency was discussed.


