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Mediating L2 Learning through Translanguaging in EFL Small Group Task Interaction



While language alternation is a common feature of bilingual interactions, using L1 in L2 classrooms is often disapproved. Following a social turn of SLA and the rise of multilingualism, the past decades have seen a shift in the attitude towards the role of L1 in L2 classrooms. More recently, translanguaging, a bilingual pedagogic practice in Wales, has greatly impacted second language education and research. Translanguaging transcends the boundaries of named languages and views all languages as resources for meaning construction and communication. Many argued for translanguaging to be the medium and the objective for L2 learning. Compared to the interest in teachers' use of translanguaging as L2 pedagogy, research into learner translanguaging is very limited. Using a CA micro-analytic method, this study investigated how EFL learners used translanguaging to co-construct learning opportunities in small group task interaction. The data were collected in a Taiwanese technological university. Forty-five students participated in several group task discussions in English classes taught by a Taiwanese teacher and an American instructor. Extracts of video-taped task interaction were analyzed and discussed to demonstrate the process and the result of learners' orientation to translanguaging during group discussions. The findings showed that through translanguaging, learner participants were able to co-construct knowledge, seek assistance, clarify meaning, hold, extend and complete turns, and maintain the flow of conversation. Based on the findings, this paper argues for a translanguaging pedagogy which helps learners develop not only L2 competence but more importantly, the ability to manage their multimodal language repertoires to achieve successful communication. Suggestions for multimodal translanguaging pedagogy incorporating modern technology and self-reflective practices are proposed. It is hoped that the findings of this study will contribute to translanguaging pedagogy and second language education.


在以英語為目標語(target language)的外語課堂(ESL/EFL/EAL)中,使用母語常被視為阻礙外語學習的行為。然隨著社會語言學的興起及全球化的影響,許多研究證實母語實可輔助外語學習。近年來,跨語言實踐(translanguaging)的概念及其在雙語教育的應用更是翻轉了禁用母語的傳統思維。跨語言實踐一詞源自於英國威爾斯(Wales)的雙語教學法。跨語言實踐跨越語言及語意符號界線,視所有語言及符號皆為溝通互動的資源。此顛覆傳統思維的語言觀為英語教學及研究帶來極大的衝擊及啟發。許多學者甚至提出以跨語言取代目標語做為外語教學的主要媒介及學習目標。由於跨語言實踐本是雙語教學法,多數研究探討外語/雙語教師運用此教學法的成果,極少研究討論學生在外語課堂運用跨語言溝通的現象及對外語學習的影響。本研究採會話分析(conversation analysis,CA)法,從學習者的角度詳細分析學生在英語課堂任務小組討論(task discussion)中如何運用跨語言實踐來輔助外語學習。本研究發現學生運用跨語言實踐表達意見,澄清語意,尋求及提供協助,達成共識,從溝通互動中共建語言知識。透過跨語言實踐,在小組討論中,發言者得以守住,延續,並完成話輪,輔助同儕互動,順利以多模態溝通媒介完成討論,實現任務導向語言教學的學習目標。基於此研究結果,本文提出幾項跨語言實踐在外語課堂的應用及輔助學習者跨語言實踐能力的養成。本研究期能對跨語言實踐的課堂應用及外語教學提出貢獻。
