  • 學位論文


Socializing Engineering Students to Discuss Literature in English in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林淑敏


現今,英語已成為學術領域的共通語言。因此,英語溝通交際能力已成為以英語為第二語言的大學生所必備的能力。過去研究提出,學習專業領域英語對學術成功表現的重要性 (Guo & Lin, 2016),然而,文獻中缺 乏用「語言社會化理論」來呈現學習者學術言談社會化過程的相關研究 對於學習者如何用英語做跨領域溝通的研究更是闕如。本研究以「語言社會化理論」(Schieffelin & Ochs, 2011)探討台灣理工科大學生,在參與文學圈青少年小說閱讀與討論中的言談社會化過程。研究參與者為兩位理工科大學生,資料收集方法利用課堂觀察、小組討論錄音、與深入半結構式訪談。研究結果呈現理工科大學生Jay和Ming的言談社會化過程。Jay呈現了從不會根據故事提問題的提問者到帶領所有組員做深入式 文學圈討論的過程。而Ming則展現他如何在文學圈討論的過程中傾聽、 並在需要時協助組員討論。研究結果為台灣高等教育老師提供學術英語的教學與研究建議,以協助大學生建立英語跨領域溝通的能力。


Communicative competence in English academic settings is an essential skill for today’s EFL university students under the spread of English as an academic lingua franca (ELFA). Previous studies have suggested the importance of learning discipline-specific communicative norms for academic success (Guo & Lin, 2016). However, relatively little is known about the discourse process of novices’ socialization into competent ELFA communicators. Even less is known about how novices learn to communicate across disciplines. This study examines the oral academic discourse socialization of engineering students in group discussions of young adult literature over a semester in a university English class in Taiwan. Informed by language socialization (Schieffelin & Ochs, 2011) and drawing on audio-recordings of group discussion, classroom observation, and interviews with students, I first focused my analysis on Jay’s pathway of becoming a competent discussion leader who was good at raising comprehensible questions as well as facilitating group discussions. Further, data also demonstrated Ming’s changes in becoming a competent communicator who was sensitive to others’ responses to the questions and was willing to help other group members when they encountered communication breakdowns. I concluded with pedagogical implications for EAP courses to prepare students for oral ELFA communication. Keywords


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