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A Business of Environmental Care: Tzu Chi Humanities Model of Buddhist Economics





Greed leads to the overdevelopment of land, which correspondingly contributes to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect and climate change. Furthermore, greed triggers waves of financial crises around the globe, which broadens the economic gap between the rich and the poor. Here in Taiwan, a group of entrepreneurs is committed to the corporate ideology of the DA.AI Technology (DA.AI) model, which shoulders social responsibility through "100% complete feedback" to society, where economic profits earned through selling merchandise are entirely donated to charitable organizations for expenditures and public welfare. This is a unique brand of compassion, in which entrepreneurs carry out missions of moral action and social responsibility, where the possessive form of merchandise profit yields completely to the manipulative form of charitable relief. This paper analyzes how the Tzu Ch International Humanitarian Aid Association (TIHHA) evolves into an economic development of a variety of necessities goods. Currently, the recycled textile products of DA.AI serve as more than life necessities and humanitarian merchandise, but also as dialogue media between Tzu Chi's Humanities of Environmental Protection and the global community, as well as a form of communication to promote the morally wise economics inspired by Dharma Master Cheng Yen's teaching on the life philosophy of time, space, and human relations. This exemplar life philosophy demonstrates an enlightened sense of frugal simplicity and spiritual fortune, and ultimately encompasses the essence of Buddhist economics.


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