  • 期刊


Application of Product Data Management System in TFT-LCD Factory Storage


本文主要建立一個產品定位服務之平台架構,此平台架構結合RFID(Radio Frequency Identification;無線射頻辨識系統)技術達成定位服務並且整合產品資訊系統為例達到定位導向之U(Ubiquitous)化空間服務。利用RFID讀取器與個人行動助理(PDA)整合,使用者可接由行動裝置讀取RFID資訊並且透過無線網路將定位資訊與服務問道伺服器(Service Gateway Server)對應其定點位置以及導向使用者所需服務,進而將產品資訊系統以定位導向之方式提供空間行動化服務。另外本文之目的主要是籍由網路SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)架構開發定位導向服務平台提供使用者可透過個人行動裝置達到定位服務,而以Web Service的技術將後端資訊系統以彈性化的方式匯入而將原有的資訊服務轉化為定位行動化資訊,藉由此定位導向服務平台之架構應用於產品各資訊系統,而使用者只要透過行動裝置以及無線網路則可獲得產品無所不在的服務。


This paper is using the platform structure of orienting the service of a product, the structure of this platform combines radio frequency identification (RFID) technology reach service of orienting and combine products information system. It reaches ubiquitous led to make a reservation for example melt in the space and serve. Utilize RFID reading device to combine with PDA, user can read RFID information and orient by action device through wireless network message and service gateway server correspond to fixed position their and lead need to serve to the user, and offer the space to take action the products information system in way of making a reservation and leading the service of melting. This paper purpose is mainly with network service oriented architecture, it can up to the service of orientating to offer users through the individual action device to serve the platform to lead to orientate to develop in structure. To channel the back information system into by way of elasticity but turn already existing information service into the action information of the localization with the technology of web service. This makes a reservation and leads the structure of serving the platform to apply to products every information system. The omnipresent service that so long as the user can obtain the products through the action device and wireless network.
