  • 期刊


Automated Social Media Management with a Case Study of Facebook Fan Pages




粉絲專頁 Web2.0 自動化管理


With the increase in Internet penetration, Web 2.0 and social media have flourished over the past few years and have become an integral part of the general public's life. In the face of the rise of social media, organizations have gradually introduced Web 2.0 applications into their websites or services, in addition to increasing interaction with the public, it can also enhance organizational image and exposure to enhance organizational profitability. Among the many mainstream social media platforms in Taiwan, Facebook is the most widely used platform for community marketing, and it is suitable for communication between organizations and people because of its emphasis on interactivity and immediacy. By providing instant messaging and responding quickly and appropriately to the needs of the public, Facebook is one of the best choices for importing Web 2.0 services between organizations. The platform of the pipeline. By providing instant messaging and responding quickly to popular needs, Facebook has become one of the best choices for government agencies to introduce Web 2.0. With the prevalence of Web 2.0, fan pages of various government agencies have sprung up one after another. With the expansion of fan page size and the reduction of manpower by government agencies, it seems inefficient to use "manpower" to manage fan pages. In this study, the police agency fan page is used as an example. In order to improve the management process that originally had no clear criteria, a standard operating procedure was proposed. Another point is to start with an automated management perspective and propose a process that uses multiple information technologies to assist in management. It is hoped that this will enable operators to truly focus on the fans who really need services.


Social media Fan Pages Automated Management
