  • 學位論文

政黨社群媒體經營之研究- 以《中國國民黨KMT》臉書粉絲專頁為例

The Management of Political Party’s Facebook Fan Page: A Case Study of “myKMT”

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


不過短短十多年間,社群媒體的興起已經大幅度的影響眾人生活,而過去幾年社群媒體的研究趨勢看出,越來越多學者、研究等在意社群媒體於各方面的影響力,而在政黨競爭上,社群媒體又會扮演何種角色呢? 雖然社群媒體成為眾所矚目的新媒體,然而政治運用上的焦點仍集中在候選人在社群媒體上的呈現,以及社群媒體對選民認知的影響,較少觸及社群媒體對於政黨經營的影響,甚至是政黨支持程度或喜好程度與社群媒體經營的關聯性。 本研究選擇於台灣最多使用者的臉書(Facebook)作為媒介,而以創立超過百年,為中華民國首個民主政黨-中國國民黨為標的,透過深度訪談實際參與《中國國民黨KMT》粉絲專頁的經營者及對於社群媒體操作實務工作者,來了解政黨在經營社群媒體上有和主觀及客觀應注意事項,以及如何能夠加強其經營效能。另外透過問卷調查已加入《中國國民黨KMT》粉絲專頁的粉絲們對於該粉絲專頁的表現認知為何?是否與經營者的想法一致,最後彙整兩方說法加以討論,整理出中國國民黨過往在社群媒體上表現優良及不足的指南。 最後,根據過往研究發現,社群媒體擁有大者恆大的趨勢,在政黨使用上是否也是如此?而也更希望了解所謂社群媒體對於政黨來說是正面或負面的影響,且在社群媒體經營中,參與互動率(Engagement Rate)是被高度重視的,如何能夠讓政黨社群媒體來提高互動率,則會是本文所著重的焦點,也希望能夠帶出政黨經營社群媒體的建議。


Within a short span of around ten years, the rise of social media has already become a great influence on everyday people’s lives. Additionally, in the past several years more and more scholars are researching trends regarding the effects of social media in various aspects, including the role it plays in political elections. Although social media has become the new media in the public’s eyes, its main focus in politics emphasizes how it represents candidates and affects voter perception. Less highlighted is the impact of social media on party management, even its relevance to the degree of support and preference of political parties. This research study selected Facebook, Taiwan’s most widely used social media, as the medium, and the first democratic party of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Kuomintang, which has been established for over a hundred years, as the target. Through in-depth interviews with Kuomintang fan page operators and social media operational practitioners, the study examines both subjective and objective effects on parties in managing social media, as well as ways to strengthen organization efficiency. In addition, the study served people who followed the Kuomintang fan page through a questionnaire, asking about their opinions toward the page activity and whether they share perspectives with the page administrators. In the end, after consolidating and discussing the two sides, we will be able to better examine the strengths and shortcomings of the Kuomintang’s past social media usage. Finally, in accordance with past research findings, social media has a greater usage trend, but does this also apply to political parties? And is social media’s influence on politics is positive or negative? As the rate of interaction and engagement on social networks is highly important, this piece seeks to explore how to increase the engagement rate of parties’ social media and be able to provide them with recommendations.


壹、 中文部分
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Janus,2014,〈將臉書上所有貼文都按讚,一天之後你的臉書變成這樣〉,T客邦 部落格,https://www.techbang.com/posts/19684。
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