  • 會議論文


A Study of Attendants' Educational Training Programs at Foreign Restaurant in Kaohsiung City


本研究之目的在了解高雄地區異國餐廳餐服人員教育訓練現況調查,以立意取樣選取該區域內的家異國餐廳為樣本,採隨機抽樣的方式選取餐服人員進行問卷調查,問卷信度(Cronbach α=.921),效度為79.02%。共發出225份問卷,回收之有效問卷為189份(有效回收率為84%)。對於回收之間卷採用敘述統計、信度分析、因素分析、t檢定、Pearson相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方法。研究結果顯示,異國餐廳餐服人員對教育訓練現況分別包括滿意度、信心度、困難度、能力提昇、課程需求五個構面彼此之間為正相關(p < .01)。受訓後員工對訓練態度在(1)滿意度構面是課程內容、師資、方式比較滿意;(2)信心度構面是訓練後, 能增進餐飲服務知識、技能、態度,比較具有信心;(3)困難度構面是受訓者配合度、管理者配合度及經營者支持度,比較具困難;(4)能力提昇構面是菜單介紹解說、餐服禮儀,以及餐廳本身國別餐飲文化之了解,比較具能力提昇;(5)課程需求構面是餐飲服務相關專業知識及技能、人際關係溝通訓練、社交技巧接待禮儀,具較高需求。希望本研究之結果,供餐飲經營相關業界、就業勞動者就業之參考,藉以提昇餐飲業服務品質及經營績效。


The purpose of this study is to exp lore the educational training of foreign restaurant attendants in Kao hsiung City. This study had 15 restaurants as sample by purposive sampling, and randomly selected 225 attendants to fill out the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire is 0.92 (Cronbach α) and the validity is 79.02%. The responding rate is 84%. The study shows that there are five elements in the educational program s: degree of satisfaction, confidence, degree of difficulty, ability motion, and the need of training. After receiving the training courses, The attendants are satisfied with the content of courses, teachers, and instructional ways in the element of degree of satisfaction. The programs help staffs improve their knowledge, service skills, and attitudes in their confidence. In addition, the training courses enhance their service ways, the understanding of foreign culture. The need of curriculum is about professional skills, language, and social skills. However, it is difficulty to have the support from managers, satisfied with the need of staffs.
