  • 學位論文


A Study of Advanced Placement Program in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 孟祥仁博士


本研究目的在探討高雄市預修大專校院課程之學生學習滿意度、教師教學滿意度、行政滿意度及預修大專校院課程教育需求評估。研究方法採文件分析及問卷調查法。調查工具使用學生、大學授課教師、高中職行政人員及教育需求評估等四種自編調查問卷。 研究分四部份進行,問卷業經專家內容效度審核修正後,學生部分經預試後正式實施,問卷調查以普查方式進行,有效回收472份問卷,回收率89.06﹪。教師部分,以高雄區參與高雄市預修大專校院課程的大學授課教師為研究對象,問卷採普查方式進行,回收有效問卷31份,回收率60.78﹪。行政部分,以高雄市已辦理預修大專校院課程之高中職行政人員為問卷對象,抽樣採普查進行,回收有效問卷30份,回收率71.43﹪。教育需求評估部分,以高雄市一至三年級學生為抽樣母群,回收有效問卷12,751份,回收率92.79﹪。 本研究結果可分五個部份呈述研究結論;首先針對整體大專預修制度發現:(1) 預修大專校院課程內容逐年多元適性;(2) 策略聯盟制度有助提升學生參與預修意願;(3) 策略聯盟之推動有助高中職開辦預修課程意願;(4)預修制度從技職擴及到普通大學與高中。第二,針對學生問卷部分發現:(1)學生持正面肯定態度;(2)對課程設計滿意度高;(3)教材教法符合學生期待;(4)肯定教師專業素養;(5)學習情境獲得普遍滿意;(6)預修課程有助生涯發展;(7)不同背景變項的學生在預修大專校院課程整體學習滿意度上並未有差異。第三,在教師問卷部分:(1)肯定現階段預修政策;(2)預修制度有助校際交流及資源整合;(3)同意多元課程設計理念;(4)有利學生生涯發展;(5)在教師不同背景變項下對預修課程教學滿意度上並無顯著差異。第四,在行政人員部分:(1)學分抵免應普及到全國各大專校院;(2)預修課程試辦成果普獲行政支持;(3)同意預修制度能促進校際資源整合;(4)認定預修計畫有助提升學校長遠發展;(5)行政人員的背景變項對預修課程整體行政滿意度上無顯著差異。最後,在教育需求評估上:(1)預修以技能檢定相關科目意願最高;(2)學生對國立大學所開設之預修科目意願較高;(3)學生希望預修課程能安排在平常上課時段;(4)升學因素影響選課意願;(5)師長的鼓勵影響學生預修的意願;(6)預修宣導仍有待加強;(7)各校課程設計則應考量不同群科學生學習意願。


The major purpose of this study was to understand Advance Placement (AP) program in Kaohsiung. To achieve this goal, the study was to investigate the satisfaction of students, teachers, and school administrators to AP program. The study also was to provide the evaluation of the education needs for AP. The sequence of activities employed to pursue the objectives: (1) to develop different survey questionnaires for students, teachers, and administers; (2) to develop a survey instrument of educational demand’s evaluation for AP; and (3) to conduct a pilot test for validation and reliability Based on the results of this research, five major conclusions were drawn. First, (1) the increasing number of diverse and characteristic-oriented courses were provided to AP students ; (2)AP assisted the learning willingness to students; (3)Strategy alliance system will facilitate the participation of AP for colleges; and (4) AP program was expanded from vocational high schools to general high schools. Based on the results of student questionnaire: (1) they supported AP courses positively; (2) they highly agreed to AP curriculum design; (3) they mildly agreed to instructional materials and methods; (4) they affirmably agreed teachers’ professional literacy; (5) they satisfied with the design of learning environment; (6) they agreed the assistance for career development; and (7) there were no significant differences between the satisfaction with students’ backgrounds. The conclusions were derived from teachers’ investigation: (1) they strongly supported AP policy; (2) they strongly agreed that it will help the integration of school-based resource through AP; (3) they agreed the concept of AP’s diverse courses for students; (4) they agreed the assistance for students’ career development from AP; (5) there are no significant difference for the satisfaction from teachers with wide variety. Five conclusions were drawn for school administrators: (1) they agreed to extend advanced standing policy suiting all colleges; (2)The AP was widely supported by administrators;(3) AP will assist inter-schools integration and articulation; (4) they believed that AP will facilitate school long-term development; (5) there are no significant difference for school administrators with varied background. Based on the results of the evaluation of educational demand, the number of conclusions were found: (1) AP should provide the courses associated with professional test; (2) students would like to take the courses from public schools rather than private schools; (3) students would like to take day-time courses; (4) the major influence on the selection of AP was the college entrance test; (5)the encouragement of teachers will enhance the willingness of AP for students ; (6) There are more information required to students who want to take AP courses; (7) it need to provide more courses for students of different cluster.


田振榮、張銘華、熊亮原(2007,12月)。試辦技專校院與高職策略聯盟之研究。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系主辦之「2007 技職教育策略聯盟暨產學攜手國際學術研討會」。,臺北市。
