  • 期刊


Kinematic Analyses of Body Center of Mass In Running On Distance Runners and Untrained People


本研究目的主要在於:瞭解選手與一般人跑步時身體重心垂直震幅大小、水平擺振情形,以及上肢對於身體重心之影響。受試者為五位經常在訓練的高中長跑選手與五位一般身體正常之男生。實驗進行中,受試者先在跑步機上練習過後,在正式於速度5 m/s之跑步機上跑3分鐘。跑步之同時,在受試者後方與左側適當位置各擺設一部攝影機,進行全程同步錄影。影片經由Peak Motion Measurement System動作分析系統及相關軟體進行分析;主要分析內容為隨機選取連續跑十步之動作。結果發現,長跑選手與一般男生的整個身體中心垂直振福並沒有明顯差異,而每一個人在左腳著地至推蹬後,不含上肢的身體重心,由最低點上升到最高點之距離,皆比右腳還大。另外,上肢亦有幫助身體在垂直與水平方向更平穩運動之功能。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the vertical oscillation and the horizontal excursion of body center of mass (CM), and the inference of arms on body CM for distance runners and untrained individuals in running. Subjects, five trained high school distance runners and five ordinary undergraduate and graduate students, were asked to run on a treadmill in 5 m/s for three minutes and their movements of running were recorded simultaneously by two video cameras. Ten continuous steps of each subject were randomly sampled and analyzed by Peak Motion Measurement System. The results showed that the vertical oscillations of body CM were not significantly different between distance runners and untrained individuals, the vertical oscillations of body-minus-arms CM were significantly different between right side and left side for each subject, however. The arms were found to reduce the horizontal excursions of body CM both front to back and side to side.


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