

Monosodium glutamate (MSG)味精已經被食品工業廣泛被當作一種人工食品添加劑,可增進食物之鮮味。本次實驗利用口腔餵食MSG之方式,於每天熄燈後每四小時一次,共餵食兩次連續七天給予雄性大白鼠(sprague-Dawley)0.4%MSG及4%MSG,觀察MSG對動物其攝食量及攝水量之影響。結果僅發現有餵食低劑量0.4%MSG有顯著降低其全天攝食量,但是高劑量卻無顯著之效果。同時MSG對動物攝水量之影響,我們發現MSG不論低劑量或高劑量均有顯著抑制動物攝水之情形,而此情形尤其反應在動物非攝食期的白天階段,而MSG對此攝水量之影響直到餵食兩次以後八小時內才可觀察到MSG之效果。因此本次實驗推論,MSG在0.4%的濃度下每日兩次餵食有顯著抑制雄性大白鼠攝食及攝水量。


味精 人工添加劑 餵食


Monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been widely used as food additive in food industry to enhance flavor of food. The present study was to test effects of intraorally administered MSG (0.4% or 4%) to adult male rats twice daily for 7 days on food intake and water intake . We found that low dose but not high dose of MSG resulted in decrease of food intake significantly. We also found that both of low and high dose of MSG suppressed water intake of rats, especially during the non-feeding period, light-phase. It is concluded that 0.4%MSG significantly decreases food and water intake in the adult male rat.


MSG umami food additive feeding


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