  • 期刊


The Successful Promotion of Table Tennis Exercise at Hungkuang University




桌球運動 運動團隊


A "School Physical Education 123 Hoping Engineering" strategic criterion proposed by the Physical Education Office of Education Ministry focus on "one person one sport, one school one sport team to increasing student fitness and the number of regular exercise population. Hungkuang University has elaborated this strategy for a long period by virtue of promoting table tennis exercise. Because of its long period promotion, the number of table tennis participants has significantly grown and the performance of faculty team has promoted to a higher level of competition. It can be seen as a successful institutional sport promotion. The purpose of this paper intended to outline the importance of managing school physical education and to introduce the growth history of Hungkuang faculty table tennis team, performance and practice pattern. This paper also pointed out the way physical education office and teachers promoted table tennis and Hungkuang's excellent faculty quality, coaching team, outstanding facility, various table tennis classes, intraschool competition and community sport team management. Moreover, teachers of the physical education office held community table tennis competition, participated in table tennis competitions promoting sport with communities, off-campus service, and programming community sport promotional classes via school s superior facilities. This paper concluded that the eternal management ideal had been identified by the community. Yet, the shortage of budget unveils the promotion difficulty of table tennis program while the recruitment of advanced student-athletes and the administration of table tennis promotional programs become the core strategy for the promotion of table tennis.


table tennis sport team


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