  • 期刊


Assessment on phototoxicity of bergamot oil by analysis of photosensitive ingredient


本研究藉由分光光譜儀(spectrophotometer)與氣相層析質譜儀(Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectroscopy; GC-MS)分析四種市售佛手柑精油的光敏性成份及紫外光吸收光譜,以體外(in vitro)的測試評估其潛在的光毒性。測試結果發現四種佛手柑精油:精油甲、精油乙、精油丙及精油丁都含有不同濃度的檸檬醛(citral),精油甲除檸檬醛外還含有少量的佛手柑內酯(bergapten),而精油 丙 則含有四種光敏性成份檸檬醛、檸檬油素(citropten)、佛手柑內酯及補骨脂素(psoralen),而且精油丙在UVB/UVA波長範圍的吸收值明顯高於其它三種精油,顯示其可能具有較高的光毒性。在以太陽光模擬器照射去毛天竺鼠的背部皮膚後發現,塗抹精油丙誘發最小紅斑的輻射劑量(minimum erythma dose; MED)顯著的小於控制組及其它三種精油。由以上的結果可知分析精油的光敏性成份及紫外光吸收光譜確實可作為評估光毒性的依據。


We assessed potential phototoxicity of 4 bergamot oils by analyzing the UV spectrums and photosensitive ingredients with spectrophotometer and gas chromatography -mass spectroscopy (GCMS). The results demonstrated that oil B and oil D contained citral only. Oil A had citrl and small amounts of bergapten. Oil C contained 4 photosensitive ingredients including citral、citropten、bergapten and psoralen. The UV absorbance spectrum of oil C was much higher than the absorbance of control and the other 3 bergamot oils. The results indicated that oil C may have higher potential photoxicity than the other 3 bergamot oils. In animal study, irradiated with sunlight simulator on shaved skin of guinea pigs demonstrated that minimum erythma dose (MED) of oil C was significantly lower than the other 3 bergamot oils. In general, the chemical analysis were consistence with the results of animal study indicate that this in vitro assay may provide a rapid and reliable assessment on phototoxicity.


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