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探討市售九層塔(Ocimum basilicum L.)莖與葉之化學組成與釐清是否含有黃樟素(Safrole)與丁香酚(Eugenol)等致癌成分

An Identification of the Chemical Composition of the Leaves and Stems of Commercial Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and Clarification of Such Carcinogenic Ingredients as Safrole and Eugenol


近年來九層塔(Ocimum basilicum L.)含有黃樟素(Safrole)與丁香酚(Eugenol)會致癌之資訊被網路大量宣傳,因此引起民眾恐慌及降低九層塔之產業利用性。為了解此資訊的真實性,本研究針對市售九層塔莖與葉以密封式溶劑萃取後,再進行全成分分析,藉以了解其是否含有黃樟素與丁香酚等致癌性物質。將市售九層塔的莖與葉剪碎後,分別以99.5%乙醇於70℃下密封並以超音波震盪儀萃取。離心後的兩萃取澄清液分別以氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)鑑定其成分。結果顯示:九層塔的莖與葉兩個部位共鑑定出30種化學成分,前三大主要成分為對丙烯基茴香醚(p-Allylanisole)、β-杜松烯(β-Cadinene)及β-欖香烯(β-Elemene),且未驗出致癌成分黃樟素與丁香酚。


In recent years, the information about carcinogenic substances contained in Ocimum basilicum L., such as Safrole and Eugenol, has been rapidly spread through the Internet, causing panic among the general public and consequently reducing the industrial applicability of Ocimum basilicum L. To verify the truthfulness of that information, this study extracted substance from the stems and leaves of the commercially available Ocimum basilicum L. using sealed solvents. After that, the substance was analyzed to identify if there were any carcinogenic substances contained in Ocimum basilicum L., such as Safrole and Eugenol. The commercially available Ocimum basilicum L. was acquired, cut into pieces, sealed with 99.5% ethanol at 70℃, and extracted using ultrasonic atomizer. Then, two extracted supernatants were appraised using Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometer (GC/ MS) to verify their ingredients. According to the results, 30 chemical constituents were found from the stems and leaves of Ocimum basilicum L. The main components of the top three are the p-allylanisole, the β-cadinene and the β-elemene, and there is no the carcinogenic ingredients of the safrole and the eugenol were found.


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