  • 期刊


Study of Antioxidant Activities of Twenty Preparations of Chinese Traditional Medicine


本研究挑選市售常見之二十種科學中藥進行萃取,並評估其清除DPPH自由基能力測定(DPPH Free-Radical Scavenging Activity)、總酚含量測定(Total Phenolic Contents;TPC)及總抗氧化能力測定(Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity;TEAC)之抗氧化能力。結果顯示當樣品濃度為1%時,清除DPPH自由基前三名為雞血藤、丁香及艾葉,EC_(50)分別為0.32%、0.34%及0.76%,總酚含量前三名為雞血藤、烏藥及天花粉,其含量分別為49.70 µg of GAE/g、30.82 µg of GAE/g及29.70 µg of GAE/g,總抗氧化能力前三名為雞血藤、丁香及荷葉,其抗氧化能力分別為1.26 mM Trolox/g、1.17 mM Trolox/g及0.74 mM Trolox/g。另以氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)分析三種實驗前三名樣品之主要化學成分,分別為雞血藤、丁香、烏藥、艾葉、天花粉、荷葉,分析結果六種科學中藥多為酚類、酸類與醇類。


This study selected twenty preparations of Chinese traditional medicine in the market for extraction. The antioxidant capacity of DPPH free-radical scavenging activity, total phenolic contents: TPC and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity assay: TEAC evaluated. The results revealed that when the sample concentration was 1%, the first three scavenging DPPH free radicals were SPATHOLOBI CAULIS, CARYOPHLLI FLOS and ARTEMISIAE ARGYI FOLIUM with EC50 of 0.32%, 0.34% and 0.76%, respectively. The first three in total phenolic content were SPATHOLOBI CAULIS, LINDERAE RADIX and TRICHOSANTHIS RADIX, whose contents were 49.70 µg of GAE/g, 30.82 µg of GAE/g and 29.70 µg of GAE/g, respectively. The first three total antioxidant capacities were SPATHOLOBI CAULIS, CARYOPHLLI FLOS and NELUMBINIS FOLIUM, whose antioxidant capacities were 1.26 mM Trolox/g, 1.17 mM Trolox/g and 0.74 mM Trolox/g, respectively. Furthermore, the chemical components of the first three samples in the three experiments analyzed were by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC/MS), Respectively SPATHOLOBI CAULIS, CARYOPHLLI FLOS, LINDERAE RADIX, ARTEMISIAE ARGYI FOLIUM, TRICHOSANTHIS RADIX and NELUMBINIS FOLIUM. Analysis results the six preparations of Chinese traditional medicine are mostly phenols, acids and alcohols. Phenolic compounds have excellent antioxidant effects.


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