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Visionary Power, Spatial Fix, and Obduracy in Road Construction: The Social-Materiality of the Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd, Taipei




Based on one case study examining the Section 1 of Zhonghua Road in the Taipei City, this article discusses the vicissitudes of the road which epitomized the social-materiality of infrastructure. The author explores different explanatory models with regard to visionary power, spatial fix, and infrastructural obduracy. The planning idea for the roads in the Taipei City has undergone several phases. The roads were first dominated by a modernized configuration featuring hygiene, order, tidy landscapes and efficiency, and were later endowed with three-dimensional road facilities. Recently, a human-oriented planning approach emphasizing "green transportation" has also been gaining popularity. Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd. has testified to such alteration and revealed the dynamics of visionary power and spatial fix as it is the location where the western side of the old city wall during the Qing Dynasty was demolished and replaced by the three-lane road built by the Japanese. However, the road disposition resulting from the city wall does not lose its sway and has been framing the urban pattern ever since then, which restrains the contemporary channels for distributing telecommunication infrastructure and pipelines for basic livelihood. This is where infrastructural obduracy manifests itself and contributes to the stabilization of city landscapes, gracing it with self-identity and higher environmental legibility. Finally, the author argues that visionary power, spatial fix and obduracy make up the dimensions of techno-politics of the road.


王志弘(2015):〈拼裝都市論與都市政治經濟學之辯〉,《地理研究》,62,頁 109-122。
吳曼寧、高詩琴(2013):〈北市林蔭道中華路 10 年「不成材」〉,《聯合報》,10 月 2 日,版 A7。
