  • 期刊


The experience of recovery and relapse of drug abuse between first/second and third/fourth schedule drug abuser


倘欲發展合適的藥物濫用防制策略,我們需要找出並了解不同等級毒品施用者的停用與復用問題,本研究自監獄及地方政府毒品危害防制中心,分別抽得第一、二級毒品施用者128 名,第三、四級毒品施用者387 名,共計515 名(男性79.2%,女性20.8%)輔以問卷調查後發現第一、二級(下稱前者)及第三、四級毒品施用者(下稱後者):1、後者較年輕(30 歲以下者78.2%),且教育程度較高(大學未畢業者42.3%)。2、首用原因,在前者以「朋友都用」(30.5%)及「感到刺激」(28.1%)居多,後者為「無聊」(32.1%)及「心情不好」(28%);在復用原因的前者多以「心情不好」(31.5%)及「壓力大」(20.5%)居多,後者為「心情不好」(34.3%)及「無聊」(33.4%)。3、停用二年以上原因,均以想改變過去生活(前者56.3%,後者50.6%)及不想讓家人失望(前者62.7%,後者39.7%)居多;戒毒經驗上,前者有81.25%曾戒毒過,詴過「美沙冬替代」(曾用過海洛因)(48.1%)及「在家熬過戒斷」(44.2%)居多,後者則僅有49.35%曾戒毒過,多以「在家熬過戒斷」(30.5%)及「物質(酒精)替代」(29.8%)。4、認為最重要的停用因素,多為離開原來環境(前者29.5%,後者44.4%)及家人支持(前者28.6%,後者12.7%);在所需生活支持上,均需「一技之長」(前者58.9%,後者40.7%)。


毒品施用者 停用 復用


If we are going to develop a well preventive strategy for drug abuser, we need to look at the recovery and relapse of people use drugs in different level and to understand that there are different levels of drugs used with different types of problems. A total of 515 drug abuser (an total of, male 79.2%, female 80.2%) were sampled with the questionnaire survey, including 128 first/second schedule drug abuser from some prisons in Taiwan, and 387 third/fourth schedule drug abuser from drug abuse prevention center of several counties in Taiwan. The following were studied between the first/second and the third/fourth schedule drug abuser: 1.The latter had younger population (under 30-years, 78.2%) and higher education level (undergraduate, 42.3%). 2. The causes of first-time drug use were different, the majority of former drug users were mostly social users (30.5%) and irritation (28.1%), the latter were feeling numb (32.1%) and bad mood (28%). The most causes of relapse of former drug users were bad mood (31.5%) and high blood pressure (20.5%), the latter were bad mood (34.3%) and feeling numb (33.4%). 3. The causes of recovery of drug abuse over 2 years were similar, the majority of them were willing to change past-life (the former, 56.3%, the latter, 50.6% ) and not willing to most Social users (30.5%) and irritation(28.1%), the latter were feel bored(32.1%) and be disappoint from their family (the former, 62.7%, the latter, 39.7%). For the drug treatment experience, 81.25% of the former had experience, the majority of them tried methadone maintenance treatment(used heroin)(48.1%) and be withdrawal seizures in home(44.2%), the later were be withdrawal seizures in home(30.5%) and substance(alcohol) maintenance treatment(29.8%). 4. the most important causes of recovery of drug abuse were similar, were leave original environment (the former, 29.5%, the latter, 44.4%) and family support (the former, 28.6%, the latter, 12.7%). And they all need good skill at work (the former, 58.9%, the latter, 40.7%).


drug abuser recovery relapse


