  • 期刊


The experience of drug abuse between deferred prosecution and compulsory treatment for second-class drug abuser




藥癮 戒治 成效評估 緩起訴 強治戒治


In Taiwan, there are two models of treatment of drug abuser under the judicial mandatory, including compulsory treatment in drug abuser center and deferred prosecution with recovery program treatment. To explore the decisions of prosecutors for deferred prosecution or compulsory treatment for second-class drug abuser. We sample amount 559 drug abusers, including 299 under deferred prosecution in Taipei district prosecutors office and 146 from Sindian drug abuse treatment centers. Participants were requested to answer a series of questions among demographic characteristics, job situation before treatment, addiction severity index, crime records, and family and social relationships. The following is our finding and policy implication: Result shows that: 1. The most part of drug abuser are from eighteen years old to forty years old in our two groups. They are in forties and their education and intelligence are favourable. It recommend to develop as much as community treatment model, let substance abuser stay in community .It will help to raise country productive force. 2. The degree of substance abuse(alcohol, Ketamine, Amphetamine) from drug abuser treatment center, is more than deferred prosecution program. if we can help them to improve the way to overcome addiction, it could be promote their ability. So we suggest drug abuser treatment center should intensify the substance abuse class, that could be helpful to the abuser. 3. Substance abuse and drug dependence from deferred proscution treatment are slighter than from drug abuser treatment center, and they never went into drug abuser treatment center for drug addiction. If we could use of as much as resources in defer prosecution treatment program, could provide more treatment programs for drug abusers as early, and avoid them become problem drug abusers, then decrease cost of under judical treatment.


