  • 期刊


A comparison between persistent/desisted drug abusers during the period of deferred prosecution in Taiwan


政府於2017年提出新世代反毒政策,在戒毒策略方面,如何提升緩起訴附命戒癮治療之成效,為當前法務與衛福部門之重要課題。過往的研究針對毒品犯之治療與處遇效能之研究,大多採取縱貫性或回溯性研究,以鑑定或辨識出導致渠等再犯的重要因素,然對於橫斷性之比較研究,略顯不足。此外,從犯罪學生命週期理論(life-course theory)觀之,許多犯罪人,其中止犯罪的因素,與其社區生活形態的轉捩點,息息相關,但毒品犯是否有類似的中止機制,仍有待進一步之探究。本研究之數據取自106年國發會委託之研究案(ndc106060),針對緩起訴附命戒癮治療之完成者與撤銷者,在其參加緩起訴附命戒癮治療期間的生活型態、家人互動、偏差友伴、就業狀況與參與治療處遇課程狀況,進行成功(即尚未撤銷已接近完成戒治期程)與失敗(即被撤銷後入監服刑者)兩組之比較分析,結果發現,失敗組在工作穩定性、偏差家人與友伴、偏差生活形態以及課程參與的缺席程度與觀護人的互動等,存在顯著的差異性。相關政策意涵亦提出供法務與衛福部門參考。


In 2017, while the Taiwanese government proposed a "New Generational Anti- Drug Policy", specifically in terms of detoxification, how to enhance the effectiveness of drug abusers' treatment via a deferred prosecution period comes to a challenging issue for medial and justice departments. The previous research on detoxification and treatment of drug abusers overwhelmingly emphasized a cross-sectional method to investigate the influences of recidivism after institutional treatment, whereas a longitudinal study has been largely overlooked. Moreover, from the perspective of a life-course theory, many offenders have desisted their criminal behaviors while meeting significant turning points (e.g., marriage, job, etc.) upon reentry a society. Unfortunately, a similar pattern failed to be found yet among those drug abusers while after releasing from the prison-based treatment. Using partial data drawn from a government-supported project (ndc106060) in 2017, a comparison study has been designed. The samples are those drug abusers who participated in a deferred prosecution when they violated the "Statute for Narcotics Hazard Control" and have been sent to the prosecutor offices. The quasi-experimental design and a convenient sampling method have employed in this regard, suggesting a target group consisted of 206 drug abusers who have successfully completed a period of deferred prosecution in community (i.e., probationers), whereas a control group consisted of 207 drug abusers who have failed to complete the deferred prosecution and been sent to prions for recidivating drug offenses (i.e., prisoners). The perceptions of lifestyle, family interaction, peer's association, job status, and their interactions between probation officers, medical staff, and counselors during the deferred prosecution of each participant have been collected via a questionnaire to identify if there are significant differences between the target and control groups. The results from bivariate analyses (e.g., chi-square test, t-test) indicated, those drug abusers who failed to complete deferred prosecution reported a higher level of association with deviant family members and deviant peers, a variety of risk lifestyle, an unstable job status, a lower level of association with probation officers, and a higher level of absent attendance in required treatment courses compared to their counterparts. Some policy implications have been proposed to medial and justice departments in final.


