  • 期刊


A Correlational Study of the Relationship Between Dropouts, Current Students and Juvenile Drug Offenders




The present study adopts secondary data analysis to analyze official data. The study participants in this study are 1,175 teens caught committing drug crimes in 2011. Five hundred and thirty offenders (45.1%) have student identity. The remaining 645 offenders (54.9) do not have student identity. The quantitative analysis is conducted with variables, including dropout experience, age of onset, number of crimes committed, and crime types of these juvenile drug offenders. The study indicates that: (1) among 1,175 juvenile drug offenders, 38% accounts for more than 70% of crime. Few dropouts occupy a large number of dropouts. Controlling core offenders and dropouts could reduce the occurrence of large crimes and dropouts; (2) Among these participants, the variable "whether the offender has student identity or not" is a significant difference in the number of crime and recidivism experiences. Juvenile drug offenders who choose not to continue higher education have a higher number of crimes and higher recidivism experience than a juvenile who receives "Chun-Hui (Youth-Support) Project" counseling. That shows controlling and counseling mechanisms of schools are important protectors for juvenile drug; offenders. It is also effective in lower the recidivism number of juvenile drug offenders. (3) The dropout rate for juvenile drug offenders is higher than the average dropout rate for national students. The age of onset for the juvenile drug offenders with dropout experience is earlier and more crimes committed. It is obvious that "no dropout experience" and "with student identity" have better inhibiting effects. It is better to block adverse effects from the external environment, reduce the seduction of drugs, and lower the number of crimes committed if the juvenile drug offenders are willing to return to school. At last, the study provides suggestions based on the analyses for practical authorities to develop crime prevention strategies.
