  • 期刊


Examining Illegal drug use Prevention Propaganda from the Perspective of Users




In 2019, it was estimated that the population of drug users worldwide reached 275 million. Regardless of whether it is in terms of the total amount of users or the proportion of global population, it is showing a continuous upward trend. Considering the teenage is the foundation of a country's development, the issue of their illegal drug use deserves serious attention. However, current illegal drug use prevention strategies are mostly planned from the perspective of adults. Although these strategies have reached certain success of effectiveness, they lack an understanding of the needs of adolescents and are not able to motivate adolescents to learn. Therefore, this research aims to examine the effectiveness of juvenile illegal drug use prevention propaganda, and to compensate the missing parts of prior research. Furthermore, this study distinguishes juvenile population into ordinary adolescents and drug-using juveniles, and investigates their opinions on related propaganda and then provides suggestions for program design and improvement. This study adopted semi-structural in-depth interviews, with the method of purposive sampling. From July to September 2021, eight juveniles with a history of using NPS and eight ordinary juveniles respectively were sampled from Chiayi, and the northern, central, and southern regions of Taiwan to examine the effectiveness of current illegal drug use prevention propaganda from the perspective of teenagers. This study found that ordinary juveniles have a certain level of knowledge of illegal drug use, and the NPS using juveniles obtained drug related knowledge from their own personal experiences. Compared to the NPS using juveniles, the ordinary juveniles further pointed out the harm and danger of illegal drug use to the society. As for the awareness of illegal drug use prevention propaganda, only ordinary juveniles participated in the publicity of cultural activities, and they believed that such activities could help their active learning. Traditional slogan type of propaganda could only deter ordinary juveniles, while the NPS using juveniles believed that such publicity did not match their own drug using experience and lacked deterrent effect. Both ordinary and NPS using juveniles said that anti-drug micro-films were attractive and made them actively click and browse. Further, school's propaganda was still in the form of lecture, and they had very limited impact upon the NPS using juveniles. Also, the interviewed juveniles indicated that the rewarded quizzes were beneficial to motivate them participating in the lecture. Based on the aforementioned findings, this study further provides the following suggestions towards the current illegal drug use prevention propaganda: (1) To increase the attractiveness to the adolescents the appealing factor to juveniles; (2) To enhance the persuasiveness of illegal drug use prevention advocacy; (3) The propaganda should also strength the meaning of positive friendship; (4) To increase the effectiveness of deterrence; and (5) The measures to prevent illegal drug use in schools at all levels should separate high-risk students from ordinary students in order to achieve the effect of targeted publicity.
