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Effect on Administration Policies, the Public Service Quality and Satisfaction on the System Administration Manunggal under One Roof in Indonesia


This paper aims to test and analyze the influence of the Administration in the form of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation of the quality of service and the satisfaction of the public. This research was conducted on The Office of System Administration Manunggal under One Roof in Indonesia with a population of 5.292 people and carried out with formulations Slovin on the precision of 5% with a total sample of 372 respondents. The study's hypotheses were tested using a model of Structural Equation Model (AMOS ver. 18). The study found that 1) directly in policy formulation and evaluation of policies and significant positive effect on the quality of service, while the implementation of policies have a positive impact and no significant effect on the quality of service; 2) direct policy formulation and evaluation of policies and significant positive effect on public satisfaction, and implementation of policies and no significant negative effect on public satisfaction; 3) the quality of the service directly positive and significant impact on public satisfaction; and 4) indirectly policy formulation and evaluation of policies through quality service and significant positive effect on public satisfaction, while policy implementation indirectly through service quality and no significant negative impact on public satisfaction.


Conflict Behavior Legislative Executive Budgeting
