  • 期刊


The Flow Rate of Contrast Agent Injected with Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA) Analysis


電腦斷層肺動脈造影為臨床上診斷肺栓塞之重要工具,如何得到良好影像品質與提升診斷率也是重要課題。本研究收集自2014 年6 月至2015 年6 月共76 名受檢者,其檢查方式依對比劑施打速率不同分為低速率組(3 mL/s)與高速率(5 mL/s)組,藉由比較其在肺動脈造影檢查上對影像品質的影響。在各項結果顯示高速率對比劑注射組別,在影像上有較大比率呈現高對比影像(54%)優於低對比組(16%),同時高速率組別在診斷肺栓塞的比率也較高(26.92%)、低速率組(22%)。顯示高注射速率的對比劑在電腦斷層肺動脈造影上,對影像品質與肺栓塞診斷率皆有所提升。


CT pulmonary angiography is an important tool for the clinical diagnosis of pulmonary embolism; how to get a good image quality and improve the diagnosis rate is also an important issue. From June 2014 to June 2015, 76 patients were recruited in this study at our hospital. The study was expected by use different contrast agent rates in the CTPA examination: low-rate group (3 mL / s) and high-rate group (5 mL / s), through the comparison of the effects on pulmonary angiography to image quality. The result of high rate group is a higher percentage of high-contrast image rendering (54%)better than the low-rate group (16%).The high rate group for the diagnostic rate of pulmonary embolism is also high (26.92), the low-rate group (22%). There is further improvement both for image quality and for the diagnostic rate of pulmonary embolism in the high flow rate of contrast agent injection in CTPA.
