  • 期刊


The Practice of Regional Governance For The Rural Communities In Kaohsiung:The Imperative Study of Innovative NPOs Empowerment Model


當代政府為滿足公眾多元需求,逐將各類公共服務委由非營利組織進行,並以不同實驗模式進行地區治理。本研究以高雄市農村社區屬NPO 的社區組織,如何透過創新培力機制進行地區治理為案例。採取文獻分析方法、參與觀察研究與深度訪談,達成兩項研究目的:第一,瞭解培力不同在地NPO 實踐地方治理之模式;第二,瞭解不同在地NPO,可實踐哪些地區治理。並獲得下列結論:第一,以主動走入社區方式貫穿整個創新培力機制,社區產生親近性與便利性。第二,政府提供小額經費給予社區,透過專業培力團隊創新培力機制,促進社區進行地區治理。第三,結合返鄉青年創造力與社區幹部實務經驗,促成青年參與。第四,欠缺社區領導的接續性。第五,待轉型的行政文化。研究建議:第一,期待政府可以主動走入社區產生行政文化改變。第二,培力社區領導的接續性。第三,增進青年參與。


地區治理 非營利組織 培力


The government has been facing difficulties in meeting the public needs when planning, implementing, and responding policies. To provide better and more effective services to people, the government has been gradually outsourcing or authorizing a variety of public services to nonprofit non-governmental organizations (NPOs). Thus, the objectives of this study are: (1) to research empowerment modes and tentative plans in different countries;(2) to testify empowerment models and to justify the approach and detailed content. The findings of this study are:(1) to take the initiative into the rural communities to innovate new empowerment approaches;(2) to provide a facilitator to work with all participating organisations; (3) to promote the development of young people in rural areas;(4) to lack sustainable mechanism for community leaders;(5) a lack of responsive and engaged public sector. The recommendations of this study are:(1)the success of community engagement ultimately depends on the commitment of both officers and members at local level;(2) to establish a succession system of community leaders.
