  • 期刊


The Influence of Taike Music Content, Audio Placement Site, Cultural Congruence, and Cultural Identity on Consumers' Brand Memory and Attitude




This study compares two major kinds of Taike music patterns, rock, and hip-hop, by which applied as audio brand placement and evaluates the different effects. A 2 (audio placement site: verse or chorus) x2 (Taike music content: rock or hip-hop) x 2 (brand image-Taike culture congruence: congruence or incongruence) between-subject experimental design is used and hypotheses are tested by chi-square test and two-way MANOVA. Five hundred and thirty undergraduate students were selected as sample listeners in this study for the quantitative survey. The results suggest that students given rock music showed apparently more brand memory and positive attitude than students fed hip-hop. The incongruent brand image-Taike culture placement has higher brand memory and positive attitude compared to congruent placement. In addition, the significant interaction between brand image-Taike culture congruence and Taike culture identity was found. Individuals with a high level of Taike culture identity had a stronger sense of belonging to the Taike culture and revealed a more positive attitude toward the congruent brand image.
