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Analysis of the relationship between cadets' physical fitness and body mass index


本研究主要探討軍校生身體質量指數與體能的差異情形。以國防大學604位大學生為研究對象(男生448位,女生156位),並進行身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)及基本體能檢測,體能檢測項目有,2分鐘仰臥起坐、2分鐘伏地挺身、3000公尺跑步。所得資料依據身體質量指數,分成體重過輕組(BMI≦18.5)、標準體重組(BMI = 18.5-23.9)及體重過重組(BMI≧24)等三組。以描述性統計及單因子變異數分析統計方法進行比較分析,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、在2分鐘仰臥起坐的成績表現方面,男生組間呈現顯著差異(p <.05),以標準組18.5〜23.9的成績表現最好、其次為過重組≧24,過輕組≦18.5較差;二、在3000公尺跑步的成績表現方面,男生組間呈現顯著差異(p <.05),以標準組18.5〜23.9的成績表現最好,其次為過輕組≦18.5,過重組≧24較差。三、男生身體質量指數與基本體能相關情形,3000公尺跑步與身體質量指數(BMI)呈現顯著的相關(p <.05)。結論:軍校男生BMI過高,在基本體能的表現也比較差,尤其在心肺耐力方面。


軍校生 體能 身體質量指數


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cadets' physical fitness and body mass index. The subjects include 448 male and 156 female students of National Defense University. Students were evaluated with the following health indexes, announced by Ministry of Education: BMI, 2-minute-sit-up, 2-minute-push-up and 3000 meters run. All participants were assigned into three groups based on 3 categories of body mass index (BMI): BMI≦18.5, BMI=18.5-23.9 and BMI≧24, respectively. was used and data were analyzed by SPSS. The data was analyzed by descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson Relationship Index; the level was set at .05. The results were as followed: (1) Physical fitness of samples with BMI=18.5-23.9 was better than BMI≧24 and BMI≦18.5, are 2-minute-sit up of male cadets (p <.05). (2)Physical fitness of samples with BMI=18.5-23.9 was better than BMI ≦ 18.5 and BMI ≧ 24, are significant cardiopulmonary endurance of male cadets (p <.05). (3) This study provides evidence of significant relationship between body mass index and physical fitness, especially in cardiovascular fitness of male cadets (p <.05). Conclusion: Participants with the overweight group (BMI≧24) had the poorest physical fitness, especially in cardiovascular fitness.


Cadet Physical Fitness Body Mass Index
