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The contribution of Taiwan compatriots during the anti-Japanese war




During the anti-Japanese War, China and Japan exerted all their national strength to the fighting. The strength is recognized as the four-level "State strategy." First, politics: the meaning of internal and external governance, that is, to consolidate and strengthen our regime to combat and destroy hostile regimes. Second, economy: to improve our economic strength and weaken the enemy's economic power. Third, psychology: referring to the mentality and the morale of the public in general; to show our power through social, educational and cultural propaganda in order to destroy and undermine the enemy's morale. Lastly, military: the establishment of forces to create favourable conditions to support national strategies. This article primarily examines the actual situation of Taiwan compatriots participating in the anti-Japanese war and objectively shows their specific contribution and influence to the anti-Japanese war from four levels, namely political, economic, psychological and military.
