  • 期刊


Tang Zhen’s Inheritance and Correction of the Education Viewpoints of Yang Ming School of Mind




唐甄 王陽明 心學 教育觀 《潛書》


In late Ming Dynasty, Yang Ming School of Mind was criticized by the opposition party, and gradually walked on the road to decline. In early Qing Dynasty, scholars of Zhu Faction, enjoying mainstream power in the circle of thinking at that time, continuously attacked Wang Faction, making Yang Ming School of Mind situated at an unprecedentedly disadvantageous predicament. However, during that period with a trend "respecting Zhu and repressing Wang" Tang Zhen still aspired after Yang Ming School of Mind. Wang Yang-Ming’s viewpoint of education was originated from good conscience. He advocated that the nature of education is re-enlightenment of the original heart. To him, the purpose of education was to "extend conscience," and learning was the way to become a saint. He stressed that the attitude of learning was to take practical reflection as the key of learning. As to his education principles, he emphasized "combination of knowledge and practice" as well as "being trained and tested in practice." Most of these education ideas appeared in the contents of Book of Latency written by Tang Zhen. Tang Zhen suggested that the nature of education was "to get the nature of education to the most." To him, the purpose of education was to accomplish four main virtues: benevolence, righteousness, etiquette and wisdom. He thought that people should learn to be the saints who could manage both internal and external things well, and could do marvelous deeds. His attitude of learning was to "learn from self-satisfaction." As to his education principles, he emphasized combination of knowledge and practice, and involvement in political affairs. Nevertheless, he additionally proposed new viewpoints of him after making correction. For the contents of education, he thought it appropriate to stress both academic learning and Chinese martial arts training. To him, education should cover "benevolence, righteousness and military training," which were the three main areas making up "total learning." He emphasized "internal training to get the nature of education to the most." It should be realized by "external practice of affairs," giving consideration to the spirits and ideas of mind cultivation and dealing with things. He just corrected the demerits of the old ideas: sticking to the internal aspect but neglecting the external aspect, and nihilist talk without practices.
