  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Developing a Leisure and Health Mobile App for the Active Aging


人口高齡化已成為全球發展的趨勢,台灣預估民國107 年即將達到14%,進入高齡社會,民國114 年將成長至20% 進入超高齡社會。因應高齡化的全球性議題,2002 年聯合國世界衛生組織(WHO)提出活躍老化(Active Aging)政策架構,倡導從「健康、參與及安全」三大面向著手,不僅要兼顧身體、心理、社會等三方面的健康狀況,還要提升高齡者的生活品質。日益普及的智慧型手機與平板電腦,促使行動APP 狂潮席捲全球。本研究彙整並探討中高齡者活躍老化所需要之休閒與健康資訊需求,來建構活躍老化的休閒與健康APP,讓使用者能夠輕鬆上手找到需要的資訊,以促進中高齡者的活躍老化。針對年滿50 歲以上的中高齡族群為研究對象,進行隨機抽樣,回收有效問卷295 份,採用描述性統計,利用平均數、標準差排序歸納出需求項目。研究結果發現,中高齡者的休閒與健康需求程度的平均數介於2.38~3.53。其中「保健常識」項目的平均數為3.53 為排序中之第一位,前五項需求依序為「旅遊」 (M=3.25)、「食物和營養」(M=2.88)、「興趣」(M=2.83)和「樂齡學習」(M=2.81),其中只有「保健常識」(M=3.53)、「旅遊」(M=3.25)是多數受訪者都認為有此需求,故本研究以「保健常識」與「旅遊」為主要項目來規劃開發休閒健康APP 內容資訊。此結果亦呼應中高齡者在面對老化過程中,對健康知識的渴求為出於保健身體的本能,以維護生理健康為優先考量,之後才會參與或關注其他活動的需求,與活躍老化的宗旨不謀而合。


The research focuses on identifying and collecting the middle-aged & elderly Leisure and Health requirements, in terms of designing a functional APP that has the potential information tool to promote healthy exercise, autonomy and independence. At the beginning the study collected and analysis the related Leisure and Health requirements which based on the literature of Active aging, Leisure & Health requirements and information requirements for the middle-aged and elderly. Totally 295 valid questionnaires were returned by purposive sampling. The statistical analysis methods are majored by descriptive statistics, in order to construct the APP of active aging. The results show that "Health Information" & "Travel" are the most important requirements for designing the APP.


Middle-aged Elderly Mobile App Active Aging
