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【論文摘要】Effect of Two-Day Hypoxic-Normoxic Exercise on the Heart Rate and Muscle Metabolism Mechanism of Middle-Aged person - Case study


維持運動頻率是達到健康的最主要因素,但對一般人來說要維持每天運動相較是困難的。因此,本研究目的旨在探討短期運動頻率對體循環與肌肉代謝機轉之反應。方法:研究受試者為中年男性一名(58歲、身高170 cm、體重66 kg)。以腳踏車測功儀進行三次10分鐘(3x10 min)持續運動,組間休息3分鐘。強度設定為160 Watt,踩踏轉速為75-80 RPM。第一次(S-1)與第二次(S-2)在低氧艙進行,第三次(S-3)則在常氧環境進行。常壓低氧(Normobaric Hypoxia)艙,氧氣濃度設定為O_2-13%。生物參數(La、HR)採集為每次結束後(S-1、S-2、S-3)與恢復期第5分鐘(E5)。結果:數據分析顯示第一天(Day-1)第一次(S-1)在低氧環境血液乳酸堆積濃度為8.3 mmol/l,Day-2則為10.5 mmol/l,兩次差異+2.2 mmol/l。Day-1與Day-2第三次(S-3)血液乳酸濃度分別為10.9 mmol/l、8.02 mmol/l,兩次差異-2.9 mmol/l(圖-1)。心跳率在Day-1與Day-2的第三次(S-3)運動負荷分別為149 min^(-1)、133 min^(-1),兩項差異-16 min^(-1)。結論:結果分析顯示第二天(Day-2)在S-3運動負荷血液乳酸與心跳率均呈現下降趨勢。這種症狀反應表示體循環與肌肉未呈現疲勞的累積。因此,建議一般人如無法規律運動,可以應用短期模式維持身體健康。


Maintaining exercise frequency is the most important factor in achieving health, but it is relatively difficult for people to maintain daily exercise. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the response of short-term exercise frequency to systemic circulation and muscle metabolism. Methods: The research subject was a middle-aged male (58 years old, 170 cm height, weight 66 kg). Perform three 10-minute (3x10 min) continuous exercises with a bicycle ergometer, and rest for 3 minutes between groups. The intensity is set to 160 Watt, and the pedaling speed is 75-80 RPM. The first time (S-1) and the second time (S-2) were conducted in a hypoxic chamber, and the third time (S-3) was conducted in a normoxic environment. Normobaric Hypoxia Chamber, the oxygen is set to O_2-13%. The biological parameters (La, HR) are collected at the end of each time (S-1, S-2, S-3) and the 5th minute after exercise (E5). Result: Data analysis showed that on the first day (Day-1) the first time (S-1) blood lactic acid concentration in the hypoxic environment was 8.3 mmol/l, Day-2 was 10.5 mmol/l, the difference between the two days was +2.2 mmol/l. The blood lactic acid concentration of Day-1 and Day-2 for the third time (S-3) was 10.9 mmol/l and 8.02 mmol/l, with a difference of -2.9 mmol/l (Figure-1). The heart rate of the third time (S-3) on Day-1 and Day-2 was 149 min^(-1) and 133 min^(-1), with a difference between the two day was -16 min^(-1). Conclusion: The analysis of the results showed that the blood lactic acid and heart rate of the S-3 showed a downward trend on the Day-2. This symptomatic response indicates that the systemic circulation and muscles do not show an accumulation of fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended that people who cannot exercise regularly can apply the short-term mode to maintain their health.
