  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



颱風是臺灣最常發生的自然災害,災害應變中心(Emergency Operations Center, EOC)於災後依據災損情形及現有救災能量,進行各區域的救災資源分配決策,將救災資源分配至最適災區。救災資源分配是屬於多準則決策(Multi-Criteria Decision Making, MCDM)問題,影響防救災的決策因素(準則)是突發、多變且複雜的,救災決策屬於群體決策且具急迫性,需在短時間內綜整各決策人員的意見,以達成一個最終的有效決策。本研究以臺北市政府工務局公園路燈工程管理處(簡稱公園處)路樹災後復原為例,建構出救災資源分配的決策模型,列出影響決策的三大構面及七項因素,透過問卷比較影響此決策之構面及因素。再運用分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)分析風災後路樹救災資源分配的決策因素,探討並計算出因素的優先權重,並依重要性排序出來。本研究結果將提供公園處救災指揮官做為決策參考。


Typhoon is the most common natural disaster in Taiwan. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) make decisions about relief resources allocation for each region according to damages and relief energy at Post-disaster. Allocate relief resources to the optimal disaster stricken areas. Relief resources allocation is a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem. The factors (criteria) of decision for affecting disaster prevention and relief is sudden, varied and complex. The decision for disaster relief is a group decision making with urgency. That we have to integrate all the opinions of decision makers in a very short time, in order to reach a final and effective decision making. In this study, a case study of street tree disaster recovery at Parks and Street Lights Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government (referred to as the Parks Office). We constructed a decision model of relief resources allocation, which listed 3 dimensions and 7 factors that influenced decision making. Those dimensions and factors can be compared through questionnaires. Then apply Analytic Network Process (ANP) to analyze the decision factors of street trees relief resources allocation at Post-disaster. Finally, discuss and calculate the priority weights of factors and the order of importance. The result will provide a reference guide to make decision for the disaster relief commander of the Parks Office.


