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A Study on the Accessibility and Special Needs for Visually Impaired Museum Visitors


21 世紀世界各國所面臨的最大挑戰之一是社會公平、正義的失衡,具有重要社會角色與公共性的博物館,其服務之觀眾應包含視障者在內的所有族群。本研究以聯合分析法針對39 位視障者的博物館經驗需求項目進行問卷分析。研究結果發現「參觀陪同人員」是視障者最在意的項目,因視障觀眾的行為能力受到視力限制,無法行動自如,若有安排人員陪同,可減低視障者之陌生感。其次,大型博物館多位於較為偏僻的地區,因此「專車接送」對視障觀眾有著重要的影響。而「參觀輔助資源」、「多媒體數位科技輔具」與「導覽服務」皆為參觀過程的延伸服務,可協助視障者獲取更多展覽資訊。而「觸覺導覽」對視障者是需求較低的項目。


博物館 視障觀眾 聯合分析


One of the major challenges for museums in the 21st century is the lack of social inclusion. There has been increasing awareness concerning better accessibility for a wider variety of audiences, including visually impaired visitors, to museums. In order to meet the needs of visually impaired visitors, conjoint analysis was employed in this research to value the priority for service accessibility, and 39 visually impaired visitors were surveyed. The results show that 'accompanying staff' is highly desired. It could make visually impaired visitors feel more comfortable. 'Transportation arrangement' is also important for them because some major museums are not easy to access. The 'assistive resources', 'assistive technology device', and 'guide services' are extended services which could provide more information. However, 'guide on touch tour' is less needed.
