  • 會議論文


Influence of the Combination of Illumination and Color Temperature on Workers' Mood in General Lighting


光,不僅能夠營造空間氛圍,更是滿足生活所需的重要元素。隨著社會快速變遷的腳步,人們汲汲營營的工作,然而,超時且高壓的環境讓憂鬱症患者逐年增加,「憂鬱症」已然成為現代社會的文明病。大多數的工作環境處於室內空間,所以如何利用良好的照明設計來降低長時工作帶給人們的負面情緒,成為一個重要的課題。本研究以照明心理的角度為出發點,以更貼近真實工作情境的實驗設定,探討照度、色溫度以及時間因子組合的照明環境對於工作者的心理情緒之影響。本研究將受測者依照自我感覺填寫的視覺類比量表(VAS)轉換為數據資料後,利用SPSS 統計軟體進行分析,探討照度、色溫度以及時間因子對於工作者的心理情緒是否具有顯著影響。本研究結果顯示(1)八種照明環境下,在舒適程度、滿意程度、眩光程度、緊張度、疲勞感、壓力感的表現上,照度為126W 時,比42W、84W 以及168W,令受測者感到滿意、舒適。(2)低亮度時(42W)搭配低色溫度(3000K)、較高亮度時(84W)搭配高色溫度(6500K),能夠讓作業人員心理狀態感到舒適且能有效降低工作壓力。


色溫度 照度 照明環境


Not only can light create space atmosphere, but is an important element that satisfies the needs of life. With the rapid social changes, people apply themselves to work. However, overtime and high-pressure environment is responsible for the increase in patients with depression year by year, and "depression" has become a modern civilization disease. The majority of work environment is in the interior space, so how to use sound lighting design to lower people's negative emotions caused by long-term work has become an important topic. Based on lighting psychology, this study explores the impact of lighting environment combining illumination, color temperature and time factor on workers' psychological mood in experimental settings closer to real work environment. After converting the visual analogue scale (VAS) filled by the subjects according to their self-perception, this study used SPSS statistical software for analysis, and probed into whether illumination, color temperature and time factor would produce significant influence on workers' psychological mood. The results show that: (1) Under the eight lighting environments, in terms of comfort, satisfaction, glare, tension, fatigue and pressure, the subjects feel more satisfied and comfortable under the illumination of 126W than under 42W, 84W and 168W. (2) Low color temperature (3000K) in low luminance (42W) and high color temperature (6500K) in high luminance (84W) can make workers feel psychologically comfortable and can effectively reduce the working pressure.
